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Raccoon: Awwe thanks Snowflowerthehuman!

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Raccoon: Awwe thanks Snowflowerthehuman!

Geno: Guys help. I don't think I can have any good rolls after that one.

Reaper: Well we have to deal with the army of Cat Folk too.

Geno: One person handles my situation and everyone else holds back the Cat Folk.

*Everyone smiles and looks at Reaper*

Raccoon: Reaper's doing it.

Sci: Since Kai-Ren Did try to save us we should try to save him too

Reaper: So that's the plan. I try to pull The woman off of Ra'sha.

Sci: I'll prepare my magic.

Nightmare: While Fighters should get prepared to fight, while the magic users prepare theur magic attacks.

*Everyone Nods*

Raccoon: Reaper Roll.

Die: 15

Raccoon: *Smirks* This is going exactly as I planned~

Mortem grabs the womans arms, dragging her back. She uses magic to burn Mortem's hands to be released. Obviously you let go, for humans pain resistance isn't that good.

Her arms flow with purple magic. Staring between the too. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU BOTH." 

Meanwhile the army started running towards the three creatures, that were already going to fight.

Geno: Whelp this us gonna be a mess.

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