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Raccoon: You don't have to be quiet Snowflowerthehuman! Although you shouldn't ask personal questions yet

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Raccoon: You don't have to be quiet Snowflowerthehuman! Although you shouldn't ask personal questions yet. Anywho back to the game!

Geno: *Whispers something to Raccoon*

Raccoon: You sure? *His ear flicks a bit* That's really dangerous here.

Geno: Yes.

Raccoon: *writes very fast on a paper* Sorry if this handwriting is bad! *hands the paper to him*

Geno: It's fine! *scans the paper* Got it. *folds the paper*

Raccoon: Roll.

Geno's Die: 20

Raccoon: *smiling* Roll to confirm!

Geno's Die: 20


Geno: What?

Raccoon: What??

Ra'sha muttered something in latin causing the womans magic to temporarily gone, Ra'sha collapsed afterwards, but the enemies were a lot easier to fight now. "What?" The Womans voice echoed, the army sorta fell.

Reaper: What the hell did Geno do?!

Raccoon: *kinda dying of laughter* This is perfect aaaaaaaahhhhh. *A puddle of tears from laughter surrounded him*Ooohh my god this is beautiful-

Dust: *Laughing with him* Yes it is!

Reaper: The only people that know the plot line is laughing. I'm scared.

Raccoon: You should be~ *still laughing-ish*

*ahem* Ra'sha has been completely knocked out cold.

Reaper: Oof.

Geno: Don't you DARE kill off Ra'sha.

Raccoon: No promises.

Geno: I. Will. Literally. Murder. You

Raccoon: Look Ra'sha has a larger plot than everyone else :)

Geno: K.

Reaper: I stab the woman.

Raccoon: roll.

Reaper's die: 19

You stab the Woman. She slowly falls to her knees. "Fvck.... you..." That's her last words. Kai-ren gets up and yells at his people.

The Cat Folk look up at him and went separate ways. Kai-ren looked up at Mortem and the gang, ignoring the dead bodies.

"Thank you all so much." He smiled. "If I could help in anyway... specially cause of your friend over there." His tail pointed at Ra'sha, who still didn't awake yet, unlike everyone else effected by the spell.

Raccoon: Prepared for Reaper to hate me now.

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