Oh... What you didn't know...

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Raccoon: *Has a Mug of Wine* Oh Snowflowerthehuman, What you didn't know is that I already did except their rooms and mine

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Raccoon: *Has a Mug of Wine* Oh Snowflowerthehuman, What you didn't know is that I already did except their rooms and mine. Because we change in our closets, because their walk in ones. *Texts Geno the Dare and says the downstairs closet is the only one allowed*

Geno: *from his room screeching* AGAIN?!

Raccoon: I love my Gay son.

*So Reaper and Geno Make out for 2 minutes meanwhile Raccoon is recording from the hidden camera. *

Raccoon: *hums* Blackmail doo do doo~

(Little did you know I actually sang Blackmail doo do doo--)

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