I don't know how to feel about this

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Raccoon: I'd rather be a demon to be honest

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Raccoon: I'd rather be a demon to be honest.. and I hurt my wrist screeeee-

Geno: Just continue the game.

Raccoon: *slams hands on table* N- *pain sets in* owww, Fvck. Um.. anyways continuing the story...

The Bartender smiles softly at Mortem, "Hello sir, do you want a table or a spot at the bar?"

Reaper: "I'm looking, I'll talk to you when I want to order anything."

She smiles even more, "Alright." She seems interested in Mortem. She continued to clean the cup, but was starting at him.

Reaper: But... We barely even met... or maybe it's my class isn't it?

Raccoon: Probably~ *he says as he is cradling his wrist*

Geno: *glaring at Raccoon* What are you doing?

Raccoon: Nothing~ Don't touch my fvcking wrist Geno *Geno was reaching for his wrist*

Geno: Fine... *puts his hand back*

(Your tag: Snowflowerthehuman-)

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