[Insert name here]

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Raccoon: No, Snowflowerthehuman I have not seen any

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Raccoon: No, Snowflowerthehuman I have not seen any.. yet.

Reaper: Okay so.. We'll go to the Shop first. Then check in with the people stuck outside.

Raccoon: Alrighty!

Most of the large group except Ra'sha and Dremorè. The shop has food, books, potions, and knives. The workers were restocking the building. The person behind the counter looked up and smiled, "Welcome Travelers! Place your weapons outside please, for we don't want you robbing anything."

Reaper: I don't trust them but I put my visible weapons outside.

Raccoon: Roll against me.

Reaper: *Rolls* Oh shiz...

Raccoon: *rolls* 10!

Reaper: Oh I'm heckin lucky. 11.

Raccoon: Damm.. K. Anywho do you all trust them?

*Everyone nods*

Sci: If they do anything I have magic to back us up.

Everyone takes out their weapons and puts it outside, except Mortem who has a knife in his sock. The Person behind the conter smiles, "Thank you you may now shop." Everyone walks to things they are interested. Linivil heard a soft "Psst" he looked over and it was a Cat Folk worker, who looked concerned.

Sci: Oh noes--

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