XXXI. The Prime Minister's Speech

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      He was caught in a trap. He was smart enough to understand that; he was a scientist after all. But just because Dr. Moon could recognize the trap, that didn't mean he could find any clear way out of it. The Prime Minister was set to deliver a rollicking speech, and then turn the floor over to him about the BTOF project. Unfortunately there was nothing to talk about. The project was at a stand-still. Not to mention there was still the slim chance that BTOF-Delta was still alive somewhere. Obviously, he couldn't tell the whole world that there was a possible biological threat wondering around their neighborhood, but that didn't mean the alternative was any better. What was supposed to do? Lie to the country about progress he didn't have. If that parv was found alive, he would face the firing line for sure.

      The scientist shook his head. You're over-thinking things, he thought. Just get up there and tell them what they want to hear. That we are almost ready to introduce a completely humane way to control the parv population. You'll be applauded, given a huge amount of funding, and will be an idol in the scientific community. Stop worrying!

      "Ladies and gentlemen," the man at the podium announced, breaking Moon out of his thoughts. "Please stand for the Prime Minister."

      A fanfare played as Antony stepped out of the Burger World and waved to the crowd. He smiled cheerfully, as if this was the greatest moment in his life, and took his position behind the podium. "Good evening," he said in a commanding voice. "Please, take your seats."

      Here we go, Moon thought. Won't be too long until I'm called up. Why did those stupid parvs have to escape? I could have announced some real findings if they just stayed put. Not this pack of lies and half-truths I'm about to sell to the world.

      Antony started speaking, and the scientist smiled along, though he wasn't listening to a single word. All he could do was sit and wonder how long the Prime Minister was going to talk for. The longer the better, as far as he was concerned. He knew it was only delaying the inevitable, but at least he could feel safe for a few more precious minutes.

      "I had some Burger World fries before I stepped out here today," Antony said with a perfectly practiced smile. "The only danger I could find was that they ran out too quickly." The scientist laughed automatically with the rest of the crowd. Tomorrow, however, he wouldn't be able to quote a single word from the whole thing. Except for the words that could be used against him, that is. Those would haunt him forever.

      The Prime Minister moved from pleasantries to policy, and eventually made it around to science. That was the first time that Dr. Moon actually paid attention. The direction of the speech made it clear that he was due up soon. His stomach was twisted in knots, and he worried that he was going to lose his lunch the second he opened his mouth. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad, he thought. I could get out of lying to the public that way.

      "The greatest accomplishment in my short time as Prime Minister was expanding our research and development. Because we can no longer continue the barbaric practices that have become so comfortable over the years. That is why I'm proud that there is good news on the horizon... the great... uh... Dr. Moon has some..." Antony stopped, and looked down at his feet. "Excuse me," he said and fidgeted a bit, trying to brush something off of his pants. At first nobody paid any attention, but the more agitated the Prime Minister became, the more people noticed what was going on.

      A swarm of parvs were clawing and climbing up his pant legs. He tried remaining calm at first, but things quickly spiraled out of control. There were thousands of them, and it became clear in an instant that this wasn't just some random accident. It was an attack.

      The Prime Minister's bodyguards didn't know what to do. They couldn't open fire on these tiny creatures, or even attempt to physically stop them without risking injury to their leader. All they could do was rush over and start stamping on the ground, trying to crush as many parvs underfoot as they could.

      "No, don't kill them," Antony pleaded. "Things are under control. It's fine; it's fine."

      Dr. Moon and the rest of the people in the audience watched in horror as their Prime Minister was assaulted by an army of parvs. It was such a foreign concept, that they could only gasp in terror. With all eyes aimed his way, however, not one person noticed the pool of gasoline slowly spreading beneath Antony's feet.

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