elemental lessons

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It's night in this whole chicken ... I um mean chapter and I was too lazy to crop the picture
Jays pov (finally )
I look at the big flying lizard wondering what he can do well we know he can fly  but can he breath fire or something like that I petted the beasts head while it was curing into my side you may ask 'wheres Kai ' well cole somehow hid his hair gel and put teeth marks into his clothes so he's blowing off steam I also know that Kai goes out with Cole I told Nya and she screamed "my OTP is alive " I looked at her like she was crazy I snapped back to the real world when I heard Kai stomping down the hallway Cole picked up his head and ran into a connor of the room Kai walked over to me and growled " where's that dragon "  " what dragon Kai I haven't saw one all day " he just gave me a glare and saw Cole in a connor and jumped on top of him we still haven't took the thing on his front for the battle

Kai had just gotten flung half way across the room with a growling Cole Kai can be a hot head at time ... Or a lot  then cole did something amazing a dark greenish colour came out of his mouth with him shooting rocks at Kai but they were small Kai got hit in the face  it was super funny

Sensei came out and took cole to a different room probably to teach him how to control his elemental breath i want to call it ... Um earth flail ye earth flail ( a reference to a videogame guess it and you get a  cookie )  it is a cool name

Hoped you enjoyed jays pov God it felt weird please tell me what your favourite chapter is
Words 319
Lucky the wolf

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