sheading scales and a new power

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This begins at the start of the last chapter

Lloyd's pov (has this happened before???? )

I run down to Coles room , I sighed and opened the door , I saw a ball of black mixed with blue-y black scales sitting there . I squeeled as I heard "be quite Lloyd he's sleeping " .

I turned around and saw Zane , Jay and Nya . "Don't worry me and Nya will go to bed now " Jay whispered , I just nodded my head as I sit down beside Zane .

Jay and Nya left and me and Zane talked untill we heard a loud growl ,I gasped as I looked up .

Bright green eyes glowed in the dark clearly looking at me and Zane like we are his next meal . I squeeled as the beast stood up and walked over to us

The beast opened his mouth reveling sharp knife like teeth shining in the moon light , I heard the room door open .

The beast gaze was one the person as they walked closer to the beast " easy boy" he whisper , Zane helped me up "thank you Kai " Zane said to ..... Kai?

"What's wrong with him , Kai?" I asked walking closer to Kai , Cole stared at Kai "well he must be in shead " he said as he was looking at Cole's scales .

"Shead ? " I asked and looked at Zane " snakes shead when they need to replace their skin " he said as he came over to us . "Yep that's why Cole will be staying in this form for a wee while ." Kai said with a smile on his face . A roar was the reply Kai got but it made Kai laugh , I look at Zane with a confused look .

Zane kept his eyes on Kai watching as Kai kept Cole calm . "So why did he attack us ?" Zane asked what I was thinking went I was getting attacked . Kai sighed " I'm not sure , maybe because he doesn't know you as well as me and Jay or in his dragon form he loses his memory " Kai said with an confused tone .

I huffed , 'helpful !!' I screamed in my mind , " you can go get some sleep I'll take him into my room " Kai said as me and Zane walked out the room saying our thanks and good night's to each other .

Coles pov (aka dragon boi )

I look around not knowing where I am , I turn around seeing a guy dressed in all red talking to a guy in white ..... And a girl ..... Wait no it's a guy in green , I think his name is 'lloyd ' and the guy in white is 'Zane ' .

I know the guy in red is Kai because of the smell , Kai lead me to a room that is all red and smells like him , I heard Kai talking to a guy in blue and a girl .

All three of them walked away , I watched them with an unsettling feeling in my stomach , I lay down close to the bed .

After a while of me staring at the floor , loud foot steps came close to the room , I let out a roar and watched as the door opened " hey ya buddy I didn't mean to scare you "

A guy in blue stood in front of me "I got Sensei to see if he can help" the guy said as a girl and a old man walked in , I stood up on my hind legs and spread out my wings to scare them off .

Sensei laughed and came closer to me , I let out a loud growl , I stopped when the man was in front of me , I leaned down and the man touched under my chin and started to scratch .

I got on all fours and leaned into the man , I felt another touching under my mouth and other parts of my body " well he can have a successful shead or well a stressful one " his voice was calm and wise .

"Well what do we do sensei ?" The blue guy asked as the black hair girl stood beside him "well we will have to let him deal with it on his own Jay  but right now it is stuck so we need to let him rest in some water for a while ." Sensei said as blue sighed and walked out the room , the girl followed him .

The man brought my attention back by clicking his tongue , telling me to follow him . He lead me to a room with a a big bath tub in it , sensei placed his hand in the water and took me over to it , I got into the lukewarm water and stood in it .

I couldn't stay standing for more five seconds because of how slippery the bath tub is , after a while I laid in the tub and had my head over the side of the tub . I let out a tiny roar as someone walked in and giggled , I looked up and saw Kai and a redhead .

I thumped my snake-like tail in the water as they came closer to me , once they get close enough to me I stop and look at them , the redhead was cuddling into Kai like they where dating . I let out a huff and placed my head into the water , I felt a hand on my back and I lifted up my head .

It was the red head , I saw that Kai left , I growled at her and try to bite her , she screamed and Kai and Jay ran in with Nya and Lloyd behind them , I let out a warning growl, Zane came in looking  at Skylar in case I bit her or something .

Kai tried to come close to me , I growled at him , Jay gasped and grabbed Kai's arm "Kai I know that growl anywhere" the blue boy said as he looked at Kai , Kai stared at Jay " well you see , Coles in a stressful situation right now so yeah " Jay said while looking at me . Which I didn't like so I roared at him .

I lay down once everyone has left , I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A few hour later

I felt something pushing against my scales , I open my eyes to see sensei lifting me up ...... Wait !!!  What . I started to kick my legs and flap my wings until something soft surrounded me . I looked at Wu . He smiled and told me how to turn back to normal , I did it , we walked out and I saw Skylar and Nya standing there , Skylar tried to hug me but I backed away .

Nya grabbed her arm and took her away , I wagged my snake like tail slowly as I heard someone coming close , I gave out a small roar and saw Kai and Jay walk into the room , I walk over to Kai and nuzzle him . He smiled and hugged me

"How was his shead sensei ?" Jay asks as he looks at me and Kai " a full shead and a new power " sensei said as he was stroking his long like snake beard "what type of power ?" Kai looked over my back and petted my head .

I feel myself shrinking down to a size of a kitten or puppy . I look up at Kai as he picked me up . I started to lick his cheek and smile . "Well it's getting late , gnight " Kai says as he walks out the room with me in his arms .

I fall asleep on Kai's chest even before we get to the room

This is the longest chapter I have done


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