spending some time with him part 1

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Kai's pov

I open my eyes and feel something wrapped its arms around my waist .I looked over to were the arms came from . I smiled , it was cole , I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek , he grumbled and told me bolt .

I walk out the room and see everyone sitting there eating . I look around and saw it was late . I sat down beside Jay . He looked up then around the room ."He's still sleeping idiot " I said scaring him to death . A few minutes later , my sleeping beauty , walked in and justed groaned 'its too early' . Then he just snuggles into my neck saying 'warm' , I just smile . I want to take him out on a date without anyone interfering it . But that will never happen , I will try anyways .

I decided to wait untill he was fully awake . I slowly walked over to him "Hey umm ..... Cole do you want to go out on a date with me? " I looked away blushing while saying this his forest green eyes scanned over my body . I was going to walk away untill I felt a rough hand on my shoulder I turned around and looked at him in the eyes , he was blushing as well , now he looked away "sure Kai " I smiled and hugged him , he just hugged back .

Sorry that this was short I have 2 story's to update now and at the same time and I havent started the other on which is 'A Horror Story ' I hope you enjoyed this

Bye !!


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