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He asked us to meet in a park, which is far far away from my house. Mum and dad had left for their work in hospital. I drove out all by myself and head to Gangnam.

I never look at this man who claimed himself as my boyfriend closely. He was having a dog with him.

"Hey." He grinned widely at me and said, showing his white teeth. I just nodded slightly.

"Do you like dogs?" He asked, handing me the dog. I shook my head slightly and said, "not really."

"You used to love them." He nodded and replied. We started walking along the track of the park, talking.

"Can you tell me something about…me?"

"Honestly, you never changed even after years I'm seeing you now. You love pets and you used to have one Guinea pig. Your favorite subject had always been Biology, and you hates Physics a lot. You don't like sports, except that you play badminton." He suddenly chuckled when he talked about badminton.

"What is it?" I frowned a little bit and asked.

"Nothing. I just suddenly remember how you always whine at me for me to let you win." He smiled.

"I play badminton well." I lowered my head and replied. The Heo Seolrim that he had described is totally opposite with the me now.

"Maybe we can play for several rounds sometimes?" He chuckled. I didn't reply him. He stopped and kneeled down, then held up his dog.

"His name is Toben. You named him." He caressed the dog's fur and said.

"That's a beautiful name." I said. I reached out my hands and touched the head of the dog. I smiled a little bit when it suddenly reached up and licked my hand.

"How do we know each other?"

"Us? High school, of course. We've been in the same class from the first year, and I've been liking you since then, until I confess to you before the second year ended."


"I thought you will at least remember something about it. It's kind of embarrassing to say this…I'll rather you remember about it someday, other than me telling it to you by now."

"I…I can't remember anything."

He sighed and put down Toben. He pointed at a bench afar, and said. "Sit down on the bench, and close your eyes." I closed my eyes, and trying to figure out what he is going to do.

I almost jumped up when I felt a pair of arms sneaked around my waist. I felt warm breath on my neck, and my hair was being moved to one side. A soft thing landed on my neck, I then realized, it was his lips. He gripped on my waist tightly. I am sure that I must've been trying to struggle out from his strong arms that time, that it feels really ticklish. His kiss ran along my neck till the jaw line, as he slightly turned my head with his hands.

He paused for a while before he pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was so soft yet gentle that I am slowly giving in into him by that kiss.

I could feel blood rushing up to my cheeks that it feels so hot. I am getting flustered because of that kiss. He pulled away from the kiss, but still gripping on my waist tightly. I looked away from him who was beside me, and coughed awkwardly.

"How was it? Did you remember anything from it?" He slowly let go his hands and asked. I shook my head, still refuse to turn to him.

"It's alright, it all takes time."

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Where stories live. Discover now