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I kneeled down on the ground against the wall, trying to rethink what is Chanyeol talking about. I underwent an abortion. Since when that thing happened?

The doctors are now checking on him, checking if he is alright or not. I am glad that he gain his conscious, not only for the truth, but for everything, even his promises.

"Miss Heo, you can go in now." A nurse came out from the room and told me. I stood up and nodded at her slightly, then went into the room.

The doctors and the nurse had all left. Chanyeol was there, laying in the bed, looking out to the window. I pulled a chair from beside and sat down beside him.

"Hand." Chanyeol said in a low voice. I stared at him for a while, then reached out my hands to him. He smiled and held it, while caressing the back of my hand with his fingers.

"The time when the car crashed into mine, I was thinking, I feel so sorry to you, and that we had missed out so many years. It's all my fault, I'm sorry, Seolrim."

"Can you please tell me what had happened now?" I asked nervously. I am actually well prepared for everything before, but now, I am still nervous to know about it. I don't even have a single idea about it, about what had happened years ago.

"Promise me that even though I've told you everything, you will still stay by my side."

"I…" I stuttered. I can't make any promises now, that I haven't know any single thing of it. It's just hard.

"It's okay, I'll understand if you wanted to leave too." He smiled softly.

"It was the last year of our university years. You had just finished your shift for intern and was waiting for me to pick you up, outside your office. A car came and you were being kidnapped, right in front of me. The kidnappers blocked out the car plate and I couldn't see the numbers."

"I chase behind with my car but I was too slow that they had escaped. I then called your parents about it, and we also issued the case to the police."

"They knew that we were together for that time?" I asked.

"Yes. You told them when we are in the second year of university. You were soon found, but then when you're found, the kidnappers had left. You were terrified that you can't describe everything that had happened. You look at everyone with fear, especially men, even me and your father."

Chanyeol shut his eyes. I gulped down my saliva nervously. I think I know what had happened. I felt his grip tightened.

"The psychologists thinks that you were being raped. They hypnotized you and that time, you told us everything. There wasn't only one guy. There are five of them. There were five of them who…" I reached out my hands and wiped off the tears that fell out from his eyes. He sniffed and then said, "I'm sorry, Seolrim. I'm truly sorry."

"You didn't want all these to happen too. This isn't your fault, Chanyeol." I told him. "What about the abortion? And why I will lost my memories about those things…and you?"

"I know nothing about the memories, about you forgetting everything happened." He said. "You recovered fast, with your parents and me by your side each day. Even that you are recovering, you don't allow me to touch you or any other skinships, that it will reminds you of that incident. Two months after that, your mother found out that you were pregnant. It isn't mine. That child…isn't mine. That child belongs to those kidnappers…one of them. Your parents got so mad that they brought you to go for abortion, and we didn't see each other afterwards. They think that it is my fault, for you to being kidnapped…and everything happens afterwards."

"You must've felt hopeless that time."

"I did. I felt hopeless that I've lost you. But Seolrim, that isn't compatible to the pain that you suffered through." He said in a soft voice. "It's nothing compared to it."

"I don't remember the pain anymore. It's like…I am just listening to another person's story, only that the name of the person is same with mine." I told him.

"Even though that you don't remember about it, I remember. I can't forget those moments, the fear in your eyes, and everything. It's unforgettable for me. I couldn't forget those times when you tried your best to push me away from touching you, reaching out for you."

"Chanyeol. It's a past. I am here. Wouldn't it be better that I had actually forget those things? That we can start all over again?"

"I've never thought that we can start over again." He spoke. "Even meeting you again is a dream for me. I've never dreamt of meeting you again. I never dare to that I know that it had been my fault."

"It's not your fault, stop saying that."

"Will you…still stay by my side?" He asked, looking at me. I stared at him for a while, then stood up. I leaned down and kissed his forehead lightly. "I will still stay with you."

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Where stories live. Discover now