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I rushed up to the room. The phone call I received…is from the hospital. They told me that Chanyeol was being involved in an accident, while driving.

The driver of the other car accidentally bumped into his car as he didn't notice that Chanyeol's car. It all happen when the driver wanted to turn to the corner.

I was worried sick.

The doctors told me that he will be alright, except that he might need a long time for recovery. The doctors knew me that they are colleagues with my parents, even though they aren't in the same department.

I asked them not to tell my parents about Chanyeol. I can't imagine what will they do if they know about it. They seemed to hate him.

Please be alright, Chanyeol. I need you to be alright. I am still waiting for you to tell me the truth. I am still waiting for you to keep the promise that you'll marry me.

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Where stories live. Discover now