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Chanyeol had just fell asleep. I heaved out a sigh and stood up, while struggling my hand out of his grip. It's clear how he doesn't wanted me to leave. It's like, he had spoiled out everything to me, and thinking that I will leave, when I wouldn't.

I closed the door behind me, and turned around. I was surprised, when I saw both my parents standing on the hallway. They were chatting, in their usual white cloak.

"Seolrim?" Mother was the first one who noticed me. Father soon turned around. The both were shocked to see me here.

"What are you doing here, Seolrim? Aren't you supposed to be in work?" Mother asked, as she walked closer to me.

I stepped back a little bit. "I…I'm here to visit a friend."

"You didn't tell us that you have a friend being admitted here. You should've tell us we can help you to look for a good doctor for your friend." My father said, sliding his hands into the coat, smiling at me.

"Oh, it's fine. Dr. Nam is my friend's main doctor. Dr. Nam is a good one, isn't it?" I smiled and replied them.

"Indeed." Mother stopped in front of me. She turned her head and took a look at the door of the room. I noticed the sudden expression change on her face when she reads the name 'Park Chanyeol' outside the door.

"I thought I told you to stop seeing him, Seolrim. Why are you still seeing him behind us?" She questioned. Father hurried here and then took a look at the door as well. "Seolrim, stop seeing him. It's for your own good." He said calmly.

"You all had never told me what had happened. He told me that he was my boyfriend and mother, father, Chanyeol wasn't lying at all. He really is my boyfriend. What had happened to me? I've been asking the two of you for this for months but you all won't tell me."

"He could've been lying to you, Seolrim. You shouldn't trust him." Father told me. "We wouldn't lie to you and why would us?"

"I…I know everything. I know. I know that what happened before that you wanted the both of us to be separated. But father, mother…that wasn't Chanyeol's fault and it had never been his fault."

"You don't know, child, you don't know." Mother sighed. "Please, Seolrim, I beg you. Stay away from Park Chanyeol. Please, honey." She looked at me with pleading eyes. Her eyes formed tears that I started feeling sorry for going agaisnt her.

But the thing is…I don't know what to believe in again.

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Where stories live. Discover now