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"I'm still not that trust him, Seol." Mother told me as she held my hands. I just smiled at her. "Don't worry, mother, it'll be alright. You have to believe that your daughter wouldn't choose the wrong guy."

She sighed deeply. She smiled as she fixed my hair. "We should head to the venue, he must've been waiting for a long time."

I nodded as I stood up, and fixed my own clothing. Father was the one who's driving us to there, while mother sat in the passenger seat.

I am nervous, even though it's just a simple registration. But they said that registration is more important than wedding, as wedding is just an event while registration means more.

New year, new start. We had decided to register by today, 1st January of 2018, so that we can start off with new identities, not as couple anymore, but as husband and wife. As a pair of wedded and live together forever.

I am not sure as well, that how long is forever. Will there really be a forever for us? I'm not sure too.

Chanyeol was already there in his formal outfit, with his parent standing by his side. He looks nervous as well, just like how I am. Of course that we will be nervous, that it is an important event in our life.

The registration went well, and ended by about four in the afternoon. Chanyeol and I had decided to live together after this, even before the wedding starts, and both our parents actually respect our decision.

I am glad to have him with me, the guy who never give up in loving me and being with me, despite of all those things happened between us.

"What are you having in your mind?" Chanyeol ruffled my hair softly as he stood beside me.

"I was thinking, how many inches that the high heels should I wear on wedding so that I wouldn't look that short beside you." I joked.

"There's no need to wear high heels. I like it more, that how small you look beside me." He grinned and slightly pulled me into his arms.

"But don't you think that it'll be like you're a pedophile marrying a child who's not even 160cm?" I asked him.

"It wouldn't. Whoever call me pedophile for that, I'll make sure to kick their asses." He laughed and told me. I leaned on his chest, and smiled.

He might've look mature outside but he's still a guy, childish when he's with his love ones.

"I love you, Chanyeol." I told him in a low voice. He just kissed the top of my head softly. "I love you too, Seolrim."




It feels like this ending is a little bit sudden. I'll stop updating with my short stories series for now until December. I'll be back after Chanyeol's birthday! Since that is when my exams are done. It's important that I have to start preparing it by now.

Just giving y'all a sneak peek, the upcomings are either Baekhyun's or Sehun's. I'll still be writing when I'm on hiatus but not that much and I will not publish anything for myself to rest more and focus more so I wouldn't be stress of sometimes thinking of the story ideas.

Hope you understand and thank you for reading this! This one is just a simple chapter :) I actually don't have ideas these days so I wasn't writing much.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you'll still be supporting my works :)

- Jocelyn

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant