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"Good morning." I open my eyes, just to see Chanyeol's face plastered with a wide grin. He wrapped his long arms around me and kissed my forehead lightly. "I missed having you waking up by my side each morning."

I just chuckled. "You've been staring?" I asked him.

"You are still that beautiful when you're sleeping." He grinned. "It's been such a long long time we're close together like this." He said. He then handed me a shirt, and said, "Get dressed first, then we'll have breakfast."

I frowned a bit but I soon remembered what happened yesterday. My cheeks flustered and I slapped him slightly. He just smiled and said, "It's not like I haven't seen your full body yet. I remember it clearly on my fingertips and my mind." I blushed upon his words. I remembered how I was trying to push away and refuse him doing that, but he kept on assure me that it will be alright, and nothing bad will happen again.

He kissed me again and got up from the bed. He had dressed except that he's still topless. He simply took a singlet from his closet and went out. "Come out for breakfast when you're done, honey."

The shirt that Chanyeol gave me is his own shirt. I slipped it on then put on one of my shorts, then went out from the room after brushing my teeth.

Chanyeol was helping his mother to serve the breakfast to the desk.

"Sit down first." He told me as he smiled at me, placing down the a plate with fried eggs, sausage and bacon on the table.

"I'll help." I followed him behind to the kitchen and said.

"Good morning eommonim." I greeted Chanyeol's mother as I went near to her who was busy frying eggs.

"Ahh you woke up, Seolrim. Did you sleep well yesterday?" She grinned and asked me.

"I guess I did." I thought for a while, then replied. She chuckled. "Alright, help me to settle up the table with Chanyeol. The breakfast is ready soon."

Actually I am left with nothing to do that Chanyeol had finished setting up the table while I was behind there talking to his mother. He had even informed his father about the breakfast is ready and asked me to sit down, as there are nothing that I can help again.

"Do you have plans to marry for now, Chanyeol?" Chanyeol's father asked as we are having breakfast, which caused me almost choke on the foods. Chanyeol smiled and eyed me. He patted my back slightly and said, "Soon, maybe."

"Both of you aren't young anymore, you should consider that." His father nodded and said.

"I know, father."

It's actually like we had just got back together and his father is expecting us to marry already. Well I know how much they wish for their own son to marry earlier that they actually suggested us before to get marry a year after we graduated. To think of it, it had been likely two years after we graduate.

Chanyeol and I packed and decided to leave before lunch. He said that he has an important meeting which is upcoming and he shouldn't be missing it out so we have to go back earlier.

Both his mother and father were sad to see us leave, but Chanyeol assured them that we will go back real soon when we have time for it.

Chanyeol first dropped me off at my house then he headed to his company. Since my parents will usually be very late, so Chanyeol promised me that he'll come back soon and take me out for dinner, so I don't have to prepare it by myself.

I fell asleep after doing some housechores, until I was being waken up by Chanyeol's call. He took me to a fancy restaurant, which I am really surprise with. We don't usually go to this kind of restaurants since it's not our style.

Chanyeol said that his friends recommended him that the foods in this restaurant isn't bad so he decided to bring me to here and try it out.

"Isn't it a little bit too expensive?" I hesitated, while looking through the menu of the restaurant. Chanyeol just smiled and said, "It's okay, we don't come to this kind of restaurant much too."

It ended up that Chanyeol did all the ordering. I don't really have idea what to eat so I just let him decide.

"The surrounding is really not bad, like what my friends told me." Chanyeol said, as he look around the restaurant. We talked about lots of things until the foods are served.

We were eating, when a waiter came with a bouquet of flowers out of all sudden. He handed it to Chanyeol, while Chanyeol gave it to me.

"Some flowers for the beautiful you." He grinned widely and said. I smiled as I took over it, setting it down beside me. "Thank you, Chanyeol."

"Are you planning something?" I eyed him suspiciously as I found him staring at me without any words. His expression is unreadable, but I can tell that he's surely having an ongoing plan.

He suddenly walked towards me holding a small box, when I had just finished my foods. Is he going to…propose? But honestly, I wasn't even ready yet.

As what I've expected, he kneeled down in front of me. I mean, beside me.

"Seolrim, as you know, I am actually not that good in words. We've been together for so many years before, and there are ups and downs for our relationship too, just like how the others did. I am just glad how that I am still loving you till now, and now that you remember you love me a lot." He opened the small box in his hands, and revealed the ring. "I've been waiting for a day for us to make our promises to each other, and being tied together forever. Seolrim, I wish that this special day will be on today, my birthday. I want to grow old with you, and go through more and more of yours and my birthday. Seolrim, marry me."

I felt my face turned red when he said those two words. I looked around and found a lot of people staring at us, with a wide smile on their faces. I turned back my gaze at Chanyeol, he was looking at me sincerely, still holding on the ring.

"I do." I smiled as I replied him.

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Where stories live. Discover now