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Mother was mad. She found out that Chanyeol sent me back home. She asked me about him and how I met him. I told her everything, except about the talks between us, that I am slowly trying to figure out what had happened.

She told me not to meet up with Chanyeol again and even talked about sending me to further studies overseas. This made me confirmed that we must have some past, that Chanyeol wasn't lying to me, that we were together.

But why it seems like both of my parents are opposing it? Like they don't want me to be with him?

At least for now, I knew that they wouldn't be supporting me with him, even though if one day, Chanyeol will probably ask me to try being with him, even that I had forgotten everything. Everything between us.

I didn't suffer from amnesia, and the only probability is, my memory had been erased without myself knowing and agreement. Why would I wanted to erase that if I am in love with him that time?

I wish that I'll learn the truth.



Happy birthday to my baby boy, Jongdae

Thank you for reading :)

- Jocelyn

Dream or Reality || EXO Chanyeol [SSS #6]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora