Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Natasha

I wake up and smell food. DeJa Vu. I get up and walk to the kitchen. Egg and crisp turkey bacon, buttery waffles and syrup. My brother and mom are eating at the table. I don't bother to ask because I'm scared something like what had happened before will happen again. I slowly back up into my room.

"Natasha. Are you hungry. Food is made." I peek my head back through the door. She invited me to eat. I walk back into the kitchen and sit next to Brian.

"I am hungry. Thanks mom." I grab 2 waffles, some eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. I was starving. That hotdog did no justice yesterday. I stared at my mom and brother as they ate not noticing me. They looked so peaceful. I started eating as I added syrup to my waffles.

"So Natasha. What have you been uh, doing all this time?" She looks up and back down at her plate. I sigh and eat a piece of bacon.

"Well uh we stayed in a nice house. Huge actually, with Monte-"

"That's your father not a man off the street" I sighed again heavily and continued.

"We stayed with him and Trell. One of his workers. He's really nice and funny. Then there's Coke who's-"

"Coke. No no no Natasha. I don't want you to end up like me. Stay away from anyone named after a drug." I laugh.

"No ma. He's cool also really kind to certain to people. Just don't get on his bad side."

'Like I feel I am.' I said in my head

"But yah. Oh and there's Latoya, she's the feisty red head. I feel even though I wasn't confer table for the first couple of days they took care of me." My mom smiled. I turn my head as I hear someone knocking at the door.

"Who's that?" I get up defensively.

"Natasha sit down. It's your friends."

"Friends?" I say confused. She opens the door and Stacy, Daniela and Brittney walked in. My jaw dropped.

"Friends?" I say again.

"Natasha. OMG!!" Daniela runs up to me and hugs me.

"You look soo different. Prettier. Are those your real eyelashes?" i step back and nod.

"Uh yah. Why wouldn't they be?" Stacy walks up and touches my hair. It was extra curly cause I hadn't washed it in a while.

"Your hair is so full. You got some tracks added?"


"Natasha. Why don't you take them to your room. I'll stay with your brother. keep him company." They help themselves in walking to the back. I walk in my room and sit on my bed.

"Natasha" Stacy said.

"You got an upgrade. Your mom get a job?"

"That's none of your-"

"OMG Natasha. Did you see what happened to the blonde girl." I shake my head.

"She's Prego. Can you believe it. 5 months. She hid it so well." Brittney sits next to me Daniela sits on the floor and Stacy sits on the chair.

"So Natasha I noticed you haven't been around much. Where you been?" Stacy says


"Girl I need more details then that." Brittney says.

"Well uh I met my father and his.... uh friends kids. He uh.. Is watching them for the remainder of the break."

"Ugghh" says Daniela. "Don't mention school around me. It's right around the corner.

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