Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: Trell

I open my eyes and look out the plane window. Louisiana. I take a deep breath and think of what I'm going to do. I had to find Monte. He was the only person I know I can trust right now. I buckle my seat belt and the plane begins to descend. When we land and are ready to be let out I grab my bags and go walk out the airport. First thing I do is call Natasha.

"Everything okay right" she says

"Yes. The flight was well. I'm still alive." She laughs.

"I'm glad. I was just washing Brian's hair can I call you back"

"Yeah no problem."

"I love you Trell."

"Love you too." And I hang up. Next I try for Monte. No answer.

"Fuck." I begin walking to an empty area and call my friend Joe who has a car.


"Yeah Joe. It's Trell. Can you help a nigga out?"

"Not for free. What you need?"

"Uh. A ride. I got 60 for you"

"Ah where you at?"


"Nigga boost that price up. That's a drive."

"100 Now get over here" I sigh

"Better man"

"How long will you be?"

"30 minutes. Just be ready when I get there, I'm not waiting"

"Fine whatever." I hang up and walk to a bench to sit. I pull out my phone and try to call Monte again.

No answer. I try Latoya next.

No answer.

"Damn what the fuck." I put my head in my hands and try to think of what could be happening. They could think my phone is tapped and not want to get traced. Thing is Monte always answers his phone. Even if it's to say fuck you and hang up. You would know he's okay and alive. My phone rings be I pick up and answer.


"Trellll. It's been long enough. When are you coming" I roll my eyes.

"I told you I'm not."

"Ugh you'll regret that. I'm trashing your place"

"Fine Jay do what you please." She laughs and hangs up the phone. That girl has gained several mental issues being locked away. She's never acted like this before.

"People are so damn complicated"

"You said it man" I laugh and turn to see an old guy sitting two benches over. He tips his hat

"You looked stressed" I nod

"Man just breath and take it one day at a time. All you can do." I nod again and pull a hundred out my pocket.

"Here man go get you something." He smiles and gets up.

"Thank you brother. You a special one. God bless" he gets up and walks into the airport. I watch him until I hear some honks. I get up, walk to Joe's car and get in

"Hey nigga" I dap him and he starts to drive.

"Why u call a nigga unexpected like this?" I sigh and put my seatbelt on almost forgetting.

"Some shits going on man"

"Where u coming from?"

"New York"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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