Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Natasha



I reach over and smack my phone. It still beeps. I sigh and get up to turn it off. It was 5:00 in the morning and the first day of school. I pull myself out of bed and strip my clothes. I towel up and walk to the bathroom. The shower was running. I knock.

"Oh no ones in there I turned it on for you. You know how long the hot water takes." I smile at my mom who came from the kitchen.

"I also made breakfast. For all of us this time."

"Thanks" I say as she walks back to the food on the stove. I continue to the shower. It was nice and hot by the time I got in. I wash down failing to keep my hair dry. Curly for the day I guess. I step out and walk to my room. I put on the outfit I had laid out. A turquoise silk button down with a half lace back and some mid thigh shorts. Our school had a rule that shorts had to be below your fingertips to enter and my Aqua 11s I bought shopping with Brian. I felt good. New year new me I guess. I walk to Brian's room and wake him up.

"Brian. Time for school. Wakes wakey." He moves around rubbing his eyes.

"Come on you don't want to be late." He swats me off

"Noo Naty I sleep." I pull him out the bed and stand him up. I then lead him to the bathroom. He always has to pee when he wakes up.

"Go pee the come to the kitchen for breakfast. It's your favorite." I close the door but then re opened it.

"And don't forget to wash your pee pee hands." He laughed getting pee on the floor in the back of the toilet.

"Eww." I close the door. I'll have to clean that later. Ughh. I head to the kitchen and see our plates laid out with blueberry pancakes with Brian's own little syrup thing next to his animal plate. My favorite glass cup with orange juice and my mom next to it with cup of coffee. It was about 6:45 so we had time to eat before I had to take Brian to school at 7:20. I have to get him early to school so I can be on time. My brother was going to get the best and early is better than being late. Plus that school is strict, they will kick kids out. Brian comes stumbling in the kitchen with wet hands.

"Good job you remembered." He shakes them dry and sits up at the table.

"Pancakes! Yayy" I smile.

"Yep. Pancakes. Everyone's ready to eat?" My mom says. I nod and so does Brian.

"Well let's say grace. You know your grandmother will kill us if she found out we didn't." I bow my head and close my eyes.

"Dear God. Bless this food today. Please make sure you cover my children with your hands today. Make sure everything goes well. I would like to thank you for helping me get through the rough patch in my life. I couldn't have done it with out you lord and my daughter. Were grateful. Amen."


"We eat now?" I nod my head

"Yes Brian" he digs in pouring all the syrup out of his little syrup thing. We have him a limit now because he ate to much.


"No Brian that's more than enough syrup" he pours but continues to eat." We always seemed to eat pancakes but I didn't mind. My brother loves it. We eat in silence until we were all finished. I look at my watch. Oh snap.

"Brian come on let's get you dressed we have to go." I half pull half drag him to his room. I wet a wash cloth and wipe his face.

"Here. Put this on." He pouts

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