Auther's note

758 18 2

Hey guys this isn't  a update. I've been trying to update has much as I can but the next one mite take alittle longer. I mite take longer to update because I've been going through issues and I just got signed project for my Geo class and it is 104 marks, I have Romeo & Juliet I got signed to for English and Percy Jackson questions I still have to do. My birthday is just in 2 weeks 5 days and my party is in 5 weeks 2 days so I have to help with that because I'll be turning 16. When I mean issues I mean  myself is having issues because I mite have depression or I mite be bipolar so if you guys can bare with me I would love that. Thanks. I also have to start studing for my exams. I'll try to  update sometime this week.

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