Tara part 2

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"Oh so you never liked me you were just using me" I said crossing my arms

"Why are you mad?" he asked me confused "You used me first to make someone jealous" he said quietly

"At least I asked first and I thought that you actually liked me and that was the reason you asked me out on a real date but I was wrong," I started to look down "I actually started to feel bad about using you because I actually started to like you but what happened on the date made me dislike you and then I spent 2 hole nights not sleeping, thinking about what I should do if I should break up with you or stay but something happened that made me realize I was never my true self around you," I said starting to walk out of the studio but I stopped and turned around to look at him "Why didn't you just ask me I would have done it without getting my heart broken if I knew"

"I didn't ask you because you've done so much for me already and I didn't wanted to ask to much of you"

"I would have done it still because that's what friends do and friends don't lead girls on for 2 days thinking 'omg he likes me' just to find out that he was using her just to get another girl"

"I'm sorry," he said looking at the ground "What can I do to make it up to you?" he asked grabbing my arm stopping me before I could leave

"There's nothing you can do to make up for what you did to me" I said taking my arm out of his grip

"Can we still be friends?"

"Why should I still be your friend now after everything that you did" I said crossing my arms

"You, Kat and Ryan are the only ones I know here"

"Not good enough I have to go and by the way never talk to me ever again unless you have a question"

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused

"I'll be the new dance teacher here in Miss Raine's spot so I'll be teaching you"

He just looked at me shocked so I ran away before I could start crying

"Tara wait up" Christian yelled running to catch up with me but because he's fast at running and I'm not that fast so he caught up really fast

"What do you want?" I said wrapping some tears away

"What's wrong?" he asked confused

"My life is wrong that's what" I yelled walking about from him

"That's not true and you know you can tell me anything" he said grabbing my arm and turning me around 

"Fine you want to know what's wrong do you have a hole day for me to explain everything" 

"Yes I have all day because that was my last class"

"Let's see my boyfriend was on a date with me while cheating on me at the same time but before that he spit soda on me, stepped on my foot, made me fall while we were dancing, left me alone just to go dance with another girl, made me go to a fast food restaurant when I hate fast food, got stuck watching a movie that I hate just to see my boyfriend kissing another girl and I just broke up with him just to find out that he never liked me and that he was using me" I said explaining everything

"Oh," he said shocked "Are we still on for tonight?" he asked looking down

"I don't know Christian 2 days ago I was happy but now I'm sad and I don't feel like doing anything tonight"

"Just come on it will help you get over Liam plus the best thing to do after breaking up with someone is don't show them that you are hurting and show them how much fun you are having without that person and to show them what they are missing out on" he said crossing his arms

 "Fine" I said throwing my hands up in the arm

"Good now you have to go shopping with Kat to find a dress for tonight" he said walking away

"Why can't I wear one of my dresses" I asked catching up to him

"Because where we are going you have to dress up fancy. I know that you don't like to but tonight we are celebrating your new job"

"Fine you know I will get you back" I said shaking my finger up and down

"You got me to dress fancy once in second year for a show. Now it is my turn to get you to dress fancy"

"Good point" I said shaking my finger up and down again

"I know" he said skateboarding away

I wonder where we are going tonight and why do I have to dress fancy but whatever it is I can't wait to spend the night just hanging with him. Liam never knew the full me but Christian knew everything.

 *Dress Store*

"Kat I hope this is the one because we have been here for 2 hours now and I've tried on half the store it feels like" I said putting the dress on

"Are you ready?"

" Yeah" I said walking out

"Oh my fucking lord that's the perfect dress for you that's the one" she said running up to me

"Then I'll get this dress" I said walking into the dressing room to take the dress off

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