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In the distant future, some people have the starting momentum to continue going on , some have the stamina to never stop , in a universe filled with galaxies , it is often mistaken that the concept of dimensions is just an abstract concept ,the minority would say that the universe does not exist ,and we are just in a simulated reality , I tend to disagree , as most scientific evidence has proven these people wrong , we see in a very shallow light , we never touch up on the fact that most would rather be living in a most exorbitant planet , they want more excitement in their lives , they want to free themselves from the stress and sorrow in their lives by imagining worlds and creatures that go on grand adventures with them , they want to see places , and exiting realms , when you think about it ,no one person can comprehend the sheer number of hardships and difficulties that each of these lives might give , always the bad guys die and the good guys survive , and for that I say , wake up , this is not your fantasy here , life is not like that , as most people know , you lose dear people in your life , you feel empty and useless at times you are at the top of your rank , but no matter how much status you have , or what modern medicine you have in your life , you will have to face loss , it is a harsh reality that has been bestowed upon us and we need to accept it , weather we are saddened about it , or we are in anger and exasperation , the fact that we won't be with our families when we lose them is a very grim fact that will be ingrained in our brains , but fantasy books always love to exaggerate the fact to us to make us feel better , and to be less depressed , in the end these books were made to reach a wider audience , made to reflect on the world's ignorance about topics like these , while left in despair , the people of earth have to take a back seat , while I explain all of what this place is all about , this is not family's book my friends , no , it is the goddamn sunrise of a universe that is not afraid to face challenges.Back when you were a child , you had to look at your parents' faces as they brought you home , they spot a twinkle in your eye , you spot them and you don't remember this moment , as when you were but a child , you still had no thought , no memory , you'd have a glistening thought left in your brain , thinking to when you were a little boy , and your mother carried you in her arms , what was your first thought when you came to her arms , was it fear , a feeling of unsatisfying creepiness slithering though your bones , or was it love , a feeling that gives you a warm sense of enjoyment and amusement , the majority would say love , as a vocal minority would say fear , they never got to learn more , they could that their parents are monsters that are trying to kill them , but the majority learned faster as is the normal way a human progresses through life , here in our planet , our species are not one of the nicest out there , eventually we turned on , like when human beings evolved to species that they are today , we were the same thing , we were savages roaming lands searching of food ,we were more prone to getting mauled by indigenous creatures that roamed the lands of that planet , the planet was named Plamen , and it was one of the many planets of our solar system , the system was composed of three planets , Entilope which was the first planet and was the closest to the sun , is the planet that is with the most heat , therefore its inhabitants have to take the extreme levels of heat , they have rigid and often really hard outer shells , they are big brutes that submit to no one , they are creatures with big arms and small legs , similar in style of Gorillas in the planet "Earth" , they seem to be incredibly stupid creatures , but in actuality they are smarter than they you might think , yes they are not intelligent , but their intellect is more in the realms of being an elephant , they can feel emotions , they can connect with loved ones , they also can get married , and yes they don't cheat on each other , these creatures can also feel pain and suffering , they are not savages , same thing with elephants , and yes they do not get married and cheat on their spouses like many other animals do , they also are considered a species , they do strive to make advances in their societies , they are basic , their names are unidentifiable , but their names fall closely to their planet's name , Entilopians is their name , and they have been at a strong presence as being the most rigid and most structured creatures in our solar system .The second planet in our solar system is called Plamen, and yes it is our planet , we are fire like creatures that have irregularly shaped bodies, and weirdly disfigured molecular structures, since we look like an anthropomorphic flame , we have weird looking bodies, like any type of flame , we are composed of a lot of oxygen , and our planet is not dry , it is a gaseous planet that has enough oxygen to last a person up to nine septillion human life times, since we also use so little of that oxygen every day , it is damn near infinite when it comes to air , so we don't need to keep using oxygen to survive , the way we also consume food is not done in formal ways , it is completed in either consuming non-edible foods (in our world), for example, certain types of metal, some obsidian, or even some types of rocks , but not all, because we create diamonds on the other side if we consume normal rocks, the other method of ingesting foods on our planet is to eat formal food , wood is a prime example , the sheer amount of benefits that wood has on our species is mind blowing, as these types of food , take little time to ingest , and are easily broken down by pressure , we are called plamen's race , that's because we are more associated with our planet even more , usually creatures of this universe would find our planet to be more iconic than us , our selves , which is kind of a big slap in the face .The third planet in our solar system, is a planet I would like to call the Metalloid Planet, these creatures are some of the most dangerous creatures to ever exist, one move of their freakishly large arms , and they will slit your wrists , they are notorious for their planet , which has a high number of gravitational force , or as most people would call it "Gs" , which is a way to describe the amount of gravity in one planet , the planet of ours plamen , have 2 Gs which is high , but keep in mind that we are nearly weightless , we can't alter our masses , so when we try to balance ourselves in 1 Gs , we usually can't , s we need double the amount , and since our blood and tissue weigh us a little bit , a Plamainian is considered to have the same weight as a normal human being on earth , but Metalloids are vastly different , they need very low pressure since they are composed of iron minerals , they need to move quickly , this species is limited in number , since it can't reproduce , or even recreate for that matter , they are immortal beings , that all have the same age , and all have their own agendas , there were only one million of them before the "war" .Once in a million years , you'd think that there will be an evolutionary pattern between all species , but this is hardly the case , at most Plamainains have not seen any form of evolution , just evolving as a tech based species , they relied on tech and other mechanisms to help them in their daily lives , they were mostly simple creatures that only wanted to live their lives , but their advancements were quick , in just a few thousand years , they were able to discover the whole planet , and in a million years , they actually were able to create technology so advanced , that it made the other species from other planet in our galaxy move to our planet , but here is the catch , they were species that only visited , they were not able to migrate , they were only able to move from one planet to another , and them leave , as they had to wear a hazmat suit , that prevented our planet's climate from burning them , and protected them from the large amount of gravity that the planet had put on them , so the planet was all right , it was not deformed , and all relations were as good as ever , here is where the story goes into dark territory , as I said , the planet plamelnoly is a pretty advanced planet , but there was one key problem with this very planet , and that was the fact that the politics were one shady bunch , each twenty four years , a plamonelnolian is selected to be the emperor of an entire planet , that is well and good , but until you realize how flawed and inaccurate the voting rights are made in plamelnoly , you are greeted with a small number of candidates , mainly five , and you have to choose between them all , but why do I call that system flawed , because the candidates only come from five families , those being the Scarabs , a group of the most basic beings that live on this planet , they were pretty normal , and when Plamainains choose a Scarab leader , they get mostly one of the most dull presidents in the world , but they are presidents that actually do their jobs , they would not slack off , they would only do their jobs , but that was not exiting enough for the crowd , and that is why the Scarabs were not as popular as other families , the second family on that voting list is the Verräter family , this family nearly pass the bar of being one family that actually is decent in this whole story , they were considered to be the first descendants of the first Plamainains on plamen , they are mostly known for their advances in medicine and technology , they also are some of the most deceiving and traitorous , which is a aspect that is overlooked and overshadowed , but they leave their post saddened and in anger , that's why most of them commit suicide after the twenty fourth year of being elected , and the third family is the Booker family , they are the activists that protest for the environment , and other meaningless things that they seem to keep jabbering about with less thought , and or meaning , they always would make hard efforts to keep the planet a safe and exiting utopia , but what they are really doing is sit in their chairs and give us more reason to make fun of them , pretty overzealous don't you think , how they'd just keep talking , but then misconstrue their words and start using them in the wrong direction , while that is annoying , no one person should bare the sheer amount of lies and fake news that these Bookers would just shove down our throats , with the fourth family the Johnson family , while they are not the worst , they are far from the best , they are notorious for their utter lack of facts in their speeches , and they would always find a way to bicker in very trivial matters , they always would give opposing arguments with little sense in the matter , that's why they have not been sent to office for such a long time , the last family in this miniature list is the Oteceum family , they are tricksters , liars , deceivers , unethical , traitors , pedophiles , misogynistic ,power hungry , and plagiarists , those have been words to describe the Oteceum family as a whole , that why most Plamainains would choose the Verräter family , or the Booker family , as yes they are with their bad qualities , but their bad qualities are still passable , and do not affect the public very much , but the families I did not mention got their fair share of criticisms over the millennia , the Scarabs for example , have been touted as saying "this content is too harmful for the children of our generation , therefore it should be banned" , or "imprison this wildly scum , and send him to the far reaches , where he shall reside" , would tell you that this plamainian is fine with censorship , and extreme punishment , which did not sit well with the public , and made them angrier , they soon would not be able to take the negativity , and would actually get out of the election pretty soon into its life span , their culture and their outdated ethics forced the hand of the Plamainains into action , since they did not want their whole planet to fall under blackout and terminus punishment , and they wanted to remain the process of existing , that is complete ignorance , and they should've acknowledged that before they were burned to the ground right before they had any chance of existing , while the Johnson family was a pretty dangerous family overall , the fake stories and facts they gave to the public almost brainwashed the entire planet , they would not make the fateful things that would actually help their family , instead they would continue spreading untrue stories , and things that were not true at all , you might be thinking in your head , why would the untrue stories be dangerous you might ask , well here is the thing , fake stories are actually so dangerous in fact , that when one of their family overlooked the fact that some minerals were dangerous for consumption , and posted it as fact , even though many scientists proved him wrong , he was able to kill one hundred thousand Plamainains , it was an utter disaster , if it weren't for some vigilant souls that were able to pass that information as false , and so the family fell out of line soon after that incident came out , even the president stepped out of post because of this , but there was one family that beings from all around the planet despised , that family was the Oteceum family , they were not easy customers , they are considered pigs who leeched of off their power to make anyone on that planet miserable , they couldn't win a single voting round , as they are real materialistic selfish creatures , that are not one of us , they refused to step down , and till that war , were still reigning supreme , by using loopholes in the legal system to stay powerful , and rich , they did not want to keep their dignity intact , so long as they had the power to do whatever they wanted , by the end of all this fiasco , they would always launder money , cheat on their wives , and worst of all , they would hire hit men to murder Plamainains , who were out to expose their family , they were everywhere , and no one , not even the government , or any president able to stop them , they knew a lot of personnel in really powerful organizations , and with only a flick of their greasy fingers , they were able to move the world under their feet , if you don't believe me when I say that their family are pigs , believe me , they are @#$%!#% pigs , I give to you my testimony , to prove that there is something you should believe is wrong about this shady family , they are one who hide in the shadows to escape the other stresses in life , they are thieves who manipulate for their expansion , they don't get to say sorry , they are going to pay , once they sent a couple of representatives to start doing shady things , at first they seemed to be only person(s) responsible for informing the status of these Plamainains , but in actuality , they were activists , taking a back seat by informing the public about wrong and bluntly absurd accusations , they would not give those accusations a rest , they kept on saying that the family are looking forward with going in to other industries for the greater good of the nation , little did the people know about what is next to come , they kept on building a severe debt in the government fund , that debt came from their excessive spending , but in the end , this family was taking advantage of many illegal things , it seemed to be going well for the family itself , but one fateful day they were exposed for their crimes , but for some bizarre reason , it was the journalist who actually got apprehended and it one was not the prime suspects , these beings deserve to perish in the endless inferno for their many atrocities , but the third strike in , they are still there ,which proposes the ideology of why do the "people" still have a lot of trust in the wrong power , this proves that when you mishandle power it can have the biggest consequences , that is why you cannot be able to stop them , they are just too powerful .As I once said , the whole political system in plamen is a punch line that can be said over and over again , because honestly it is just the jest of comedic failure , while that is happening we are greeted by the ancestors of the other planet , struggling to find a harder punch line than just leave it at that , but the next event to happen is the biggest thing to happen to this planet , than any other event in the whole epilogue of our planet , in the years that passed the days of the "after apocalypse" , Plamainains needed to build a society out of nothing , wondering about the past and asking themselves "what wrongs we've made in this dark abyss , or are we the ones to be forgiven , for what happened was the scum's fault" , I look back to this now and I see the guilt that they felt when they found themselves in an enormous war zone some would call a planet , the damage was done and they wanted to look back at the events that caused this tyranny to unfold , while saddened and looking in the distance , they reminisce about the events that caused this to happen , the Oteceum family's reign exceeded its limits , and the other families felt oppressed by their lack of self deprecation is making them worry even more , they could start increasing their morale and make efforts to push even their reputation , they are going for the president's chair , but the people had a long and a hard fought battle to keep this family's voice intact , they did not want an oppressive rule to be filled with also maltreatment , it was a swift and brutal rule , at least that is what they were thinking in their minds , but deep below that rabbit hole ,lied a big problem , their endless quest for power was complete , they now own the hardest and most impressive roster of government officials , politicians , and Plamainains from the other families , who were heartless enough to back stab their own kinsfolk , it was a sad and depressing loop of power that stopped once it had grown to its proportionate size , and then the day of election came , voters were very hesitant on what leader they had to choose , and once it had clocked in on them , they realized that even their votes were not real , saddened by the fact that even their rights are violated , they had no choice but to sit in their places while the rigged election continued to move on , and when they announced the winner , everyone was disappointed at the lengths that Plamainains would go to become out right rich and powerful , this all came at the expense of the free will that they once had ingrained in their souls .The pig to be elected was a Plamainian named Velky Pero , he was a no good scoundrel who was in the highest rank he could possibly get to , he did have no incentive or moral to guide a planet into motion , but instead favored the worst possible choice for the planet its self , he chose to side with none , only wanting to shape the world to the way he has seen fit , but not only this , but with the government by his side , and millions of Plamainains as well , he was damn near unstoppable and was a force to be reckoned with , the sad part is how irreversible his changes to the planet were , he kept his boundaries to side with other planets , as he thought that these planets could affect his quest for power , he burned bridges with planets that had good relations with past leaders and the planet its self , and he basically made outrageous comments about the leaders in some of those planets , prompting them to cut ties and connections with that filthy bastard and the planet as a whole , but there was one line that he crossed with a dead stare , and that line became synonymous for being quite impossible to cross , because all the past leaders were sane , while that guy left his homeland to perish in the shadows without a trace , he wanted to conquer countless planets and to enslave all of its inhabitants to make sure that he will sit on an iron throne , he expanded the budget of weapons development and the military forces , he made propaganda encouraging more Plamainains to join the army , and worst of all they singled out and silenced activists who opposed his rule , and by silenced , I mean he killed them , he had all the power in the world , and no one was able to stop his destructive view from ever happening , he was everywhere in the news , he was everywhere , he is a force that is not only unstoppable , but also a death defying feat to take down , after three years , he followed through with his plan , he had many of weapons and atomic bombs , just waiting to set off , while that was true , it was mind blowing how much insatiable things would've been for the crown to berate that invasive ruler , he was done for , but that was not the end , other planets got hold of the information that he will set off the bombs to other planets , but there was something that was not clear of translation , other planets did not get the memo , they couldn't understand the misshapen letter that they got from various transmissions , but there was one heroic soul who sacrificed his life to save others , William Borehole , even though he made a lot of radiated ground , and killed many beings who were at the station , the guy is a legend , he was the one who set off the nukes on plamen , as he had seen the darkness of Velky's plan , by the end of this , he was responsible for the death of many for some , but most saw him as a patriot , Velky was angry , and he did not go down without a fight , he wanted to still shoot those atomic bombs into the surface of the Metalloid's planet , but he couldn't , he needed to find a way to steal all of those planets , but things got really bad , really quickly , the guy went madman on William's family and relatives , and wanted to do something similar to crucifixion by nailing all of his family , and yes even his kids , and keep them there without any type of fuel , after this the public was outraged and demanded that the operations stop , this prompted a giant and an outright war-esc revolt , which at the end kept many of the Plamainains dead at the hands of the Oteceum army , streets were ravaged , stores were pillaged , and buildings were burned down to the ground so as to not even have a trace by the public , it was a nightmare , but there was one bigger problem , there were troops who were sent in by the intergalactic federation (A.K.A space police, or the government of space) , and they even reeked more havoc , between all the chaos and anger , Velky needed a way to escape , so he built a fallout shelter , which took a lot of time to build , but in a desperate bid to stay alive , he kept a lot of soldiers , tanks weapons , bombs, and loyalists to stay by his side , he protected everything he owned , and he killed anyone who came close to his property , the desperate struggle to stay alive was so hard , that if they did have no food , Plamainains had to eat their own tissue to survive , which did not keep them alive for very long , those who survived had to go into premade fallout shelters in case an atomic bomb dropped by either the intergalactic federation , or their government would hurt them , things got out of hand quickly and in that short circuit of time , Velky couldn't handle the sheer amount chaos that was happening around him , so he needed to finish this war that was happening , so he created a genetic experiment to enhance soldiers to becoming super soldiers , this was a life threatening experiment but many would choose risking their lives for the experiment than risking their lives in the open fields of battle , slowly every single one of the soldiers died because of the harsh inner turmoil the experiment required , the scientists couldn't find a single Plamainian with the structure to handle this experiment , the scientists needed a way to create a much stronger organism than what usually Plamainains would need to handle this experiment , they needed to build the life form from scratch , they started by creating the DNA splices , which then they extended the telomeres to extend the life expectancy , as well to halt the ageing process , after all of that , the full experiment is complete , now they needed to add more DNA over that one splice to make rooms for needed characteristics , so the system does not fail , and add extra locked abilities , so they can stay safe while I build up , slowly the organism started to go from DNA strands , to pieces of tissue , and after one week started developing organs , and organ systems , and then not long after that it became a fetus , slowly but surely the experiment was complete , and now it was ready , but they kept the experiment in suspended animation , but the kicker was this , right when the experiment was complete , and when it was safe for work , the oppression started moving in , and they were able to kill the soldiers and use the tanks to their advantage , by that point they killed every one in the building , and left everything that they had no use for , it was savage and invasive , but they were finally able to stop Velky's rule , but they left the experiment behind not even knowing what it is , they thought that it was a dead plamainian , so the left it , but then I black out and I find that I was the experiment .

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