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As soon as Seogsa opens the door, I see one big clue of Seogsa endearing his older child, and that is by him saying, "You are the bigger militant little soldier", then I see her for once in her life chuckle as a result, it is crazy to see a rhetorical "sadist" get a single moment of happiness, at least once, right?

So me and Seogsa get out of our house , and he starts walking , he seems very silent , and throughout the trip , our talking was mostly started by me , so yeah , the thing is that you can't convince the father , whose daughter was assaulted by a grown man would actually be happy at all with, I expected him to relish in the idea that some and/or all would be in the state of mind that he is in right now , the full story here is that he and Seogsa are just in the middle of the @!#$@%& oasis , and we still need to reach the thing that Seogsa wants to confront , so I wanted to initiate conversation , as he would have to talk about something in the middle of it all .

Arasion: I'd say it is rude to confront you about this topic now , but you seem off put , and I have a really hard question to ask if you wouldn't get angry , would you?

Seogsa: ask away buddy.

There is where I cross the line , I wanted to ask him about his daughter , and why she seems to disrespect most , as I had no moral antithesis , I still didn't know how to confront him about it , so I just got to say what I wanted to say , and just said .

Arasion: I need to talk about your daughter.

Seogsa: Madchen, or Esperenca?

Arasion: it is Esperenca.

Seogsa: what about her?

Arasion: well you see she is pretty, let's say callous, in that she never appreciates anything , and she @#$!^&* and moans about every little detail in her life , keep torching her sister , and in full honesty she doesn't want to obstruct anything good about this gift that she has.

Seogsa: you see , you don't get to know someone until you get to stay for longer , now give it time , she will come to her senses , and she is my daughter she has time to get to know you there .

We walked until we reached one really weird building that had a black roof , and a really weird undertone , the basic theme was meant to be depressing , as when we entered the introverted colors started to shine , I looked at Seogsa , with a very stern look , as if I was trying t decipher something of his face , he looked at me with a very disturbed and awfully eerie tone , and said , you think he is going to believe our story , and I tell him , well sure , why would you think that me and Madchen said that Igor did it , I beat him after that , but he drew first blood , he opens a really huge door , and for some reason I didn't understand when he said that there is some who is going to believe our story , in the end of it all , I ask if we really need someone to help us , he says that this is the leader , the classic cliché of every after-apocalypse story , there always must be a leader , to lead a group of confused individuals , and by contrast , I see from where Seogsa comes from here , he doesn't believe in vigilantism , so he would take to the authority to start the talk , when I asked about the "leader" , he said that he is one who comes at a price ,he would ask about many things , and wants hard evidence , he is strict , but he is very humble to , watch out as any who talk in a way that might displease him would make him angry , him saying that alone made me want to just laugh , but the leader was no laughing matter he said .

After opening the door he finds the leader sitting in the desk , he was one with a huge chest , and a brown handlebar mustache , that was his only redeeming quality , but after what I saw , it seemed like the guy is a red neck , he had a dual barrel shot gun on his desk , and a pack of cigars , in a light hearted manner , Seogsa asks the leader for one basic favor , he whips out a photo of Madchen's bruised neck , and tells him .

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