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What is the place you call home called, you still would sometimes call a home , well home , but there is a single opportunity to misspell the definition, there is countless people in this world that would rather call a wasteland , a home , there is some that would still call their third world countries a home , you may call me a fool for making these examples , but yes there are a lot who would not be able to make light of the word home , as they have not seen what a "real" home would look like , the sad part is you still are out there in the planet struggling to find what you would call a home , there are some , or many who have found their rightful home , but some can't provoke the idea of being with "family" , or "home" , but it is worth noting that some or many have a huge backlash to some who consider themselves a stable family , they can't take the idea of a family without struggles seriously , and just see that as bland fantasy , but there are in this world some who do consider themselves dysfunctional families , because their kids are spoiled , or because their uncle can't pay the rent , these are nothing , being a family involves love and compassion , so many would say that being family is bonding , if your relationship is toxic with someone , you can never be family , but if your relationship with someone is not toxic , and you blissfully enjoy their company , then you are tight , you are compassionate , you are family , you are ones who stay together , you are ones to help in the most desperate of times in what , or what is , or is not tiring ,and they would conclude by telling you "that's for your own good" , here is why family and relationship could be very important , because one day you will have a wall that blacks out all of you aspirations in life , but you have a friend , or a person who is willing to help you out in these tasks , but the world that I live in has no indication that family even exists , here is why .(side note , family is not in this chapter).

I woke up from my creation tube to find an abandoned building that was gone for centuries, it was huge , it had some missing roofs , some iron syringes laced with some kind of drug , I saw with what little I can see a huge interior , and a great amount of vats , that were used , but now mysteriously broken , or smashed into , the whole thing seemed very sketchy at first but I scoffed it off , and I tried to see the barren environment , I try to step out of the tube , but I am too frail , I am broken , and I felt as if my bones were still forming , and then I felt as if my bones are rubbing into each other, and climbing out of there was as easy as for disabled person to stand up from his wheel chair, which was still a huge degrading understatement compared to what pain I had , I had no strength , no stamina , and no health to work up the side of all of what had happened , I remember crying from what felt like an eternity , moving around sloshing myself , and getting tired while doing it , until I was able to get one of my limbs out , but the sad part was I was only able to get but one out of that glass tube , it was a very desperate and a scary moment in my life , I remember when I just was but a tiny creature struggling to get out of a glass tube , but then slowly but surely I got a second limb out of that tube ,it was a miracle , I went from being a fetus like organism trying to navigate myself out of a @#$#$#@ tube , to getting two limbs out in no time, and then I felt really good about myself , I started to learn a bit more about why I was here , I start getting flash backs to what the hell happened before I had been like this , I start to get wisps and recollections of the past , but still I can't remember a thing , being stuck in that cage was a daunting recollection of memories that actually happened to me, it was not easy to have but I sat there with crossed arms and two feet stretching out from either side , looking at the grey and black ceiling and thinking to why I was here , they had put the idea of ideology in me , but for what purpose , by the end I started to gain more energy therefore I started gaining more and more momentum to push forward and release myself from this baron and grim stage , the sadder part of all this is that by the end of all this run , no one was there to help me , as my calves pressed on the broken glass , I felt as if my backbone was unresponsive , I was in debt as when I pressed even stronger to release myself , I had all my blood drip into the floor , and I shouted as loud as any would shout in pain in a situation like this , but the will was never lost , and evidently I got myself to care about my own freedoms , I got out of that strenuous process and started gaining control of my hands , and holy @#%$ I thought of myself ,I did it , it was but a small accomplishment , but I mother @#$#%$# did it , after that for some bizarre reason , I wasn't limp anymore , and all the injuries that I sustained from that glass were replenished to full health without even holding back , I was healing injuries faster than I took them , and I think that was the first indication that I was an experiment worked on by some scientists , but I thought nothing of it at first , I started again to gain more and more strength , by the time you got an erection from watching erotica , I was able to regain control of my limbs , my back bone returned to its original state , and that was what is important , when I was getting out of the vat , my hands were getting dug into by the glass , a feeling of foreboding and distress filled pain I had felt , and I took it instead of shouting for the dominant hand of the situation , and then I fall , out of the vat I see a hollow light in front of me , if felt my emotions were rubbing me the wrong way , and then I say yes again , I did this in a grand scalar , but I went from being limp two hours ago , to being a full grown walking bad @$$ , it was perfect , and I couldn't be happier that I was able to accomplish such a hard task , god damn I love myself !

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