XI: well...that's it for now

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Arasion: well... he got what he deserved, and we had finished what we had started with an immediate detriment, tell me, isn't this good news?

Well, it was good news, until....

Seogsa: it is , but here's the thing , we still have zero evidence linking him to the "stealing" going on around us , so no , we didn't finish , and two , they still need to find more evidence.

Arasion: well why is he chained to a pole?

Seogsa: because he approached the situation with violence instead of making it easier on himself, but he deserved it, every second of beckon counts, and I didn't really mind much, did I?

Arasion: well it seemed like it, what happened back there?

Seogsa: ally supporting ally, he literally tried to kill the guy, man ... I swear ... the day I see Menté keeping his differences aside from showing them would be a wish come true , there is no way he is going to let the Ridder go away without a few bruises here and there , it's just crazy to think that he of all people would do something like this , and minus that , he socked 'em , I felt bad when the Ridder tried to sympathize with such a @#$#@#$ monster , they will no longer be friends, that's for sure.

Arasion: never been said better my old friend, never been said better.

So yeah , everything was calmer , nothing was being exploited , no family problems , just normal instincts and traits , sitting down never felt more relaxing , and even though we had a lurking evil upon us , we still had what we had , a resolved conflict ,and I never said it better than this, but I am glad we got rid of Menté temporarily , he was a problem.

So I sat down on the table, with either one of the two girls (Madchen) and (Tristie) , just staring at me , analyzing me from the ground up , and then , they looked at me in disgust, I ask them what's wrong?, they reply with the weirdest reply I can ever think of , "um...you're bleeding , from your nose that is", immediately I reply to Madchen's response by touching my parts of my face, and realizing that my nose is the part that is bleeding, I am a bit anxious , but I decide to go to the bathroom , with only the intention of cleaning that bloody mess , it's kind of weird that suddenly, out of nowhere, my nose would bleed , strange isn't it?

I look around to find where the sink would be , it is a bathroom located at the end of the house , it was very cramped , so I decide to maintain caution when entering , so I don't break anything , there was a broken mirror that really looked like a weird slate of soot, which I don't like obviously, I just decided to use this small bucket of water that was next to the sink(which didn't work), I took the water and I patiently brushed it all over my nose, it was cold and I liked it, there was a lot of blood dripping , but that didn't matter too much to me, I got out of the bathroom and I went to the table as fast as I can , and I asked for tissues , usually to block this inflammation of blood, Madchen got off her seat , and decided to ask Seogsa about the tissues , Seogsa sad that there weren't any tissues he can find among the pile, there were none, and the bleeding continued, I needed a way to increase the clot, as the blood kept pouring , it was harder to let a clot form, I felt a bit nauseous, and then angry for some apparent reason.

I started breathing heavily, and Tristie started asking if I were okay at all, I said with a shaky voice: oh my god , oh my god , #@$%$#% relax Arasion, I SAID @#$#@%$ RELAX!!!, with an infuriated voice from me , everyone in the room goes back , and they look at me in a disturbed manner , voices in my head were talking , as if I am going schizophrenic, it was a baffling feeling , I was going to kill myself over this move, but it got worse.

As soon as I bleed from my nose, I chough up blood, and it wasn't a normal cough, it was as violent as hell, I seriously needed a pick me up, nothing was going as I needed it to go, I fell to the floor, with only blood smearing th floors, the picture of red weren't clearer, but now it is sated.

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