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Have you ever wondered that maybe, just maybe, I can be able to get out of this disruptive society, get out!, they will say, but holy @#$# are they right, I am getting increasingly scared in here, I feel as if I am trapped and out of breath, I walk to The Gardener's garden, and I just tell him that I would be in jeopardy, what do I do?

The Gardener: oh, so you're scared, I must be laughing kid, here, I will give you something , you don't want to forget , if you're scared of something , just tell it to @#$# off , that'll ease your nerves , would it?

Arasion: would it? , or would it not? , or I should say why would you do this to me?

The Gardener: well I don't know what you are talking about young feller, but if I did, you'd best be on your way outta here, because you sometimes disgust me! (Waving his hand at his face to imply disgust)

Arasion: okay, what is it you are disgusted about? (Asking shamefully)

The gardener: well for starters, there would be semi-reasons to hate you, you are one violent mother @#$#$#, did anyone ever tell you that! (Looking at him in a restless manner)

Arasion: okay , first of all , I was violent to people I hate , and second of all , you need to rest tight old man , half of all of what you say is in my check list , the @#$# are you on about , spouting all of that , you know that they would start first , and by the way , I apologized! (Pointing his index finger to the gardener's chest, and proving to him who is charge here)

The gardener: you get me mother @#$#$#, you will not get far acting like a @#$#@$# runt! (Looking at the distance in front of him)

Arasion: heh ... you are a @#$#$#@ waste of effort, how do you act like a @#$%$#@ runt ye @#$#! (Looking at him with an angry stare)

The gardener: ye see what I mean , I don't want to be the clichéd master archetype , but the only thing you are missing is being @#$#@#$ grateful for what you've got , there is nothing that comes easy , but you don't try , you want your own utopia , I the only reason I voted for you is to lean a @#$#$#$ lesson kid , so listen , I get what you mean by protecting Madchen, Seogsa, and Amersa , but attitude like that is what drives a person to the brink of insanity , to never come back the next day! (Still looking off into the distance grabbing his beer , and chugging it after saying this line) . You can go now kid , my morality niche is done! (Falling over after saying this, probably passed out drunk on this heavy beer).

Arasion: you got off lucky you son of a @#$%$ , you got off lucky indeed !(turning his head left and right implying the shame he felt for his drunkenness , but also understanding the moral from the soberly drunk person)

After that , it would've been easy to correct all of the errors in this conversation , either it's the way I talked to him , or just plain and simply being brash and kind of a @#$# , so yes , I am apologetic , and I can reach out and with my head held high , I can say , "I am sorry".

Walking around in a dazed and confused manner, doing anything is a chore right now, the whole thing is a chore, but I needed a way to get out of a situation that is essentially a @#$#@#$ unneeded hassle at this point.

How can you do this, well doing it is the hard part, getting tips ain't as easy as when you did it when you were in kindergarten , as you are stuck with people that are in this @#$#@#$ area , nothing is easy amigo , nothing at all , you need a way to reciprocate yourself from that group of pessimism , now I have a jailbird's tattoo on my neck , and this time I am going to prove why it should be removed , as when I keep walking , I remember thirty minutes ago when I saw Monandza and he told me how if you want to talk Arasion , come to me for some Goodman's closure , and I am thinking to myself about how easy it is to get advice from this guy , usually to beat up ,or run away , but he goes deeper than that , I need philosophical advice , things that help me from being eaten up from being a psychopathic mother @#$$%#@ , in the end I am the bigger , and I will teach them little twiddles of my buttons so to stop pressing , so yes all f that in the bag , Monandza it is !

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