Wattpad Update!!!

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Hey guys! So, obviously its been awhile.

Really quick before jumping into this, I wanna say thank you for reading my books! It strangely means a lot to me that people enjoy them in one way or another, even though I know these works are nothing special

I'm sure A lot of people dont go back to their juvenile fic's , but I've been trying to get back into touch with myself and do things I use to enjoy doing. And not in a weird way you freaks . . . lol.

This isn't a new part, nor is it an announcement for a new part. At least not exactly.

Id like to post a poll - or something along those lines - to get some sort of idea of what to work on, but I have a suspicion that my account isn't nearly engaged enough with readers for such a thing without posting about it somewhere beforehand to garner attention. So here we are!

Ill be posting an conversation on my Wattpad page with a bunch of options for what I should start working on again. This will hopefully give me some motivation, knowing people might be looking forward to those works.

Its undecided yet, but I may pick more than one of the options to work on if I feel people would be interested! Ill leave the "voting" open for a week or so to give time for people to notice haha. Again, pretty inactive and unengaged page admin so it might take awhile to even see any sort of response.

Ill also do my best to have proper deadlines and such for chapters and posting progress updates, so it doesn't feel as though I'm leaving any readers of interest in the dark!

Ill also post another chapter update when the conversation does go live for voting's!

That's about everything I wanted to cover I think. Thank you again for even reading this! Again, its a strange feeling to think that maybe people actually enjoy my works, but its something I oddly look forward to myself. Especially now that I'm not horrible at writing compared to my teenage self.

Thanks again for keeping up with this nonsense, and I hope to see your thoughts and opinions soon enough!

- Quintyn666 / Alienz / Trevor (all pseudonyms, I am one person. Pick your poison.) 

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