The Beach

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"Hello?" I said while answering my phone which woke me up from my amazing slumber.
"I'm surprised your awake." Yasmin said. Yasmin is my best friend. We've been best friends since second grade. We first met when she stood up for me in front of bullies. She taught me to stand up for myself.
"I am now. You woke me up."
"Oh well. It's almost 11:45. It's time for you to get up. We are going to the beach."
Suddenly I was fully awake.
"I'll pick you up at 12:30."
"K, bye. Love you!"
"Love ya too!"
I plugged my phone in and got up to get ready.
I went to my closet and grabbed my yellow bikini and a floral crop top and some black shorts to go over my bathing suit.
I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped off my clothes and threw them in the hamper.
Once I had finished showering, I got out and dried off. I put on my yellow bikini and then my clothes over top. I brushed my waist length, brown, curly hair and put into a high ponytail.
I didn't put any makeup on. I don't understand why some girls wear makeup and then complain when it gets ruined. There's water there, of course it's gonna get ruined. Unless your boring and just lay on the sand.
I went back to my room and checked the time. 12:15. Yasmin can be earlier than she says sometimes. I packed a small bag with some undergarments, a towel, and sunscreen.
Since my phone was fully charged, I grabbed it and my bag and went down the hall to the kitchen and was about to make some toast when I heard the honking of a horn. Yasmin.
She knocked on the door and let herself into my house.
"I was just about to eat." I complained.
"I packed us a picnic." She replied.
"C'mon, lets go."
I grabbed my purse and phone and my bag and put on some flip flops and went to her car. We got in and Yasmin pulled out of my drive way and we headed to the beach while singing along to music.
We made it to the beach and got out and set up. I set my bag on the ground and helped Yasmin set up the picnic. I put on some sunscreen and she did too. We then started eating. While we were eating, we chatted and we both noticed two guys. Them and us were the only people here, which is surprising. The beach usually has about twenty or more people.
We finished eating and cleaned up the food.
"Guess what I got?" Yasmin asked.
"What?" I asked.
Yasmin grabbed her bag and pulled out a volleyball.
"Yes! Let's play!" I said.
Yasmin was completely prepared. Since this place didn't have a volleyball net, she brought her own. We set it up, which took a bit of struggling, and started playing.
"Good luck with this one!" Yasmin said as she served the ball. We didn't make any boundaries so you could hit it as far as you wanted to. The goal was just to hit it back over the net.
She served the ball and it flew far. I ran and tried predicting where the ball would go to, but I wasn't looking where I was going.
"Ow." I said as I ran into someone which made me and the person fall to the ground. I sat up and looked at who I ran into.
He looked back at me and then I felt something hit my head.
The volleyball.
I noticed the guy trying not to laugh. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's pretty cute.
"Go ahead, laugh." I said.
He then let out a laugh.
"Hey, are you ok?" Yasmin asked while coming up to me.
"Ya, I'm fine." I replied.
Yasmin extended her hand for me to take and she helped me up.
I turned to the guy I ran into and extended my hand to help him up.
He took it and I helped him up.
Once he stood up, he brushed sand off his swim trunks.
"What's your name?" He asked me.
"Sky. What's yours?" I asked.
"Sorry for running into you."
"It's fine."
"Hey, Colby, you good?" Another guy said while running up to Colby. He had blond hair and bright blue eyes.
"Ya, I'm fine." Colby replied. "Sky, this is my best friend Sam. Sam this is Sky." He added while gesturing to us.
"Hello." He said.
"Hi." I said. "Sam, Colby, this is Yasmin my best friend." I added while gesturing between them.
"Nice to meet you." Yasmin said while shaking their hands.
"We were playing volleyball, do you guys wanna join us?" I asked.
Sam and Colby looked at each other and nodded their heads.
"Great!" Yasmin said. "How should the teams be? Boys against girls or one boy and one girl on a team?"
"Boys against girls." I said.
"We don't play volleyball. We're gonna suck." Sam complained.
"Welp, maybe we'll switch teams later, but for now these are gonna be the teams." I said.
All four of us made our way to the volleyball net.
"This isn't normal volleyball. The objective is to just get it over the net. No boundaries." Yasmin said.
The boys nodded their heads.
I served the ball and it flew past their heads. Sam ran for it since it was closer to him, but missed.
He threw the ball back and I served again. This time Colby managed to get it over and Yasmin hit back to them. They missed.
I served once again and they hit it over. Yasmin hit it back and Sam hit it over and I ran over and spiked it. Their reactions weren't fast enough, so they failed.
"This is too easy." Yasmin said.
"We're just getting started." Colby said.


The game ended 25-13 our win. I high-fived Yasmin and we made our way back to our blanket. Colby and Sam followed and we sat and talked to get to know each other better.
After talking for a while I started complaining about the heat.
"Are you hot?" Colby asked me.
"Ya." I replied. "Aren't you?"
"Yes. I have an idea." He said with a smirk.
What's he planning?
Suddenly he got up and picked me up bridal style to the water.
He didn't answer. I started to struggle a bit in his hold. He held tighter and started running to the water. His got waist deep and then threw me in.
I resurfaced and saw him laughing. I stood up and started chasing him in the water. I caught up to him and pushed him in making him go completely under water.
There was shouting and I turned to see Sam carrying Yasmin to the water and he threw her in too. She then resurfaced and pulled him under before he could get away.
We all then proceeded to play around in the water.
The sun was setting and we all sat down on the blanket and watched the sunset.
It was beautiful. The colors and the shadows together.
Since I love photography, I took out my camera that I brought and took some pictures of the sunset.
"Hey Yasmin," I said.
She looked over to me.
"Can you stand in front of the sunset? I want to get pictures of the sunset with silhouettes."
"Sure." She said and got up and posed in front of the sunset.
She did a few different poses before I heard someone say my name.
"Ya?" I said while looking at Colby.
"Can we be in them?" He asked.
Him and Sam got up and all three of them kept doing different posses.
"C'mon Sky! You need to be in some!" Yasmin said.
"Ok. Be right there!" I replied.
I set my camera up and put it on a timer.
I ran up to them and told them what to do.
We all faced the sun and held hands. I heard the snap of the camera and then I told them to jump and pose.
I counted down when to jump and we did.
They thought of a few more and we did them.
The last one we did was everyone with their arms around each other.
"Ok. I've got enough pictures." I said while walking back to my camera.
"That was fun." Colby said.
"Ya." Sam agreed.
We all sat back down and watched as the sun continued to set.
I felt an arm on my shoulders and looked to see Colby with his arm around me. I could tell he was blushing. I scooted closer and rested my head on his shoulder.
Best. Day. Ever.

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