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    "Hey. Are you going to the fair this weekend?" Vivi, my best friend, asked me. We were currently waking down the halls of school to our lockers to grab our stuff and go home for the weekend. It was Friday and there is a fair in town for the weekend.
    "Nah,  I don't really have a reason. Plus I have a bunch of math homework." I replied.
    "Aw, C'mon! What will get you to go?"
    I shrugged my shoulders in response.
    "What if he's there?~" Vivi asked suggestively. She was the only one who knew I had a crush on the one and only, Colby Brock.
    I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, but I quickly hid it. "I-I guess maybe..."
    She let out a small squeal. We made it to our lockers and put our stuff away.
    We started walking out the doors of the school when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
    I spun around only to face Colby. I don't really get to see Colby all that often or talk to him, so I don't really know how he knows who I am.
    "H-Hey, uh, Sally, I was wondering if you, um would like to go with me to the fair?" Colby asked nervously.
    I heard Vivi let out a quiet squeal.
    "Yea, s-sure. I'd love to go with you." I replied with a smile.
    He smiled. "Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 4:00?"
    I nodded my head. "Sounds good."
    He turned away and went to his friend Sam.
    I turned back around and I felt myself smiling from ear to ear. Once we left the building, I let out a loud squeal of excitement. A couple people around me gave me weird looks but I didn't care.
    "I can't believe it!" I said as Vivi and I started walking home.
    "I can! I knew you two would end up together." She replied with a wink.
    I playfully rolled my eyes.
    "Yea, just like you knew Amy and Elliot would end up together and you know how that went."
    "I said I was sorry." She grumbled.
    I laughed and we kept walking.
    We reached my house and let ourselves in.
    "Hey sis."
    I looked up to see my older brother on the couch and watching some crime show.
    "Hey bro."
    "Are you going to the fair this weekend?" He asked randomly.
    "Uh, yea, why?" I replied.
    Vivi walked passed me and went to my room.
    "Who are you going with?" He pressed.
    "Why does it matter?"
    "I want my little sister to be safe."
    "I'm not that much younger than you."
    "Don't avoid my question, who are you going with."
    I bit my lip and thought about if I should be honest. For some odd reason my brother, Zach, doesn't get along with Colby. They have some weird hatred between each other and I have no idea why.
    "Don't avoid my question then. Why does it matter?"
    He paused and looked at me.
    "Your going with Colby aren't you?" He said suddenly.
    I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I quickly tried to hide it, but was too late.
    "I knew it!" He yelled while standing up.
    "Why? Why does it matter?!"
    "He's no good. I'm telling you." His eyes softened as he looked at me. "I just don't want to see you hurt."
    "He....he's not like that." I said.
    "How do you know?"
    "I...I just know.....ok? I'm done talking about this." I replied as I walked upstairs to my room.
     Zach didn't say anything or try to follow me. He knew I just needed to talk to Vivi.
    I made it to my room and closed the door behind me. Vivi was sitting on my bed, on her phone looking at something.
    "I heard your conversation." Vivi said as I entered.
    I sighed. "Don't tell me your on his side." I replied as I threw my backpack on the floor and sat next to Vivi on my bed.
    "I'm not taking sides, I'm just saying he's just looking out for you. You know how your last break-up went."
    My last boyfriend broke my heart. We had been dating for about a year and he left me for some new girl at school. I was so upset that I don't leave my room for the entire spring break. Vivi and Zach were there for me, offering words of advise and to just leave him in the past. Finally after everything they did for me, I got over him. Funny thing is, he came crawling back to me when he figured out she was a lesbian.
    I felt a flicker of a smile on my lips at the petty texts he had sent me.
    "Alright, so what are you going to wear?" Vivi asked.
    "Uhhhhhh...." I replied.
    "C'mon. Let's look."
    Vivi rose from my bed and started looking through me closet.
    "How bout these?" Vivi said while holding up a pair of short shorts.
    I groaned. I hated them. They were very short. Vivi got them for my birthday. She had good intensions to get me out of my shell and wear a bit more......revealing clothes.
    I immediately shook my head and she giggled and threw them aside.
    After looking for a while, we settled on a dark pair of blue skinny jeans and a green shoulder-less crop top with long sleeves. I set the clothes on my dresser and went to the kitchen with Vivi to get some supper.
    "Mum and Dad still not home yet?" I asked Zach as I made my way to the kitchen with Vivi trailing behind me.
    "Nope," He replied while popping the 'p'. "They said they won't be home till Monday, so we've got all weekend to ourselves."
    Vivi and I found some left over spaghetti and warmed that up and ate.
    About an hour or so later, Vivi went home. It was getting late and I decided it was time to go to bed.   
    I made my way up to my room after saying good night to Zach.
    I changed into some pajamas and laid down in bed.
     But, no matter how much I tried, I found it difficult to fall asleep. I was too excited for tomorrow.
Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

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