Haunted House

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"Hey babe," I said as Sam walked into the room. I was currently sitting on the couch on my phone.
"Yeah?" He replied while sitting down next to me.
"You wanna go to a haunted house?"
"Because Halloween is coming up and I love scary things."
"I dunno...."
"Please?" I asked while looking into his eyes and making a pouty face.
He groaned and caved in.
"Ok ok, let's go."
"Yay!" I said while getting up. "C'mon get ready!"
"Now?" He asked.
"Now. The place closes in like three hours."
He got up and we made our way to our room. I picked out a t-shirt that had The Walking Dead characters on it and some knee length shorts. I went to the bathroom and got changed. I didn't shower because I had already showered today.
I brushed my shoulder length blonde hair and then applied some light makeup.
"You almost done in there?" Sam asked from the other side.
I opened the door and left the room. He went inside and did his business.
Once we were both ready, I grabbed my purse and phone and we got in the car. Sam was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other holding my hand.


We made it to the haunted house and made our way inside. Sam insisted on paying for the tickets and wouldn't take no for answer.
Once he paid, we were handed the tickets and made our way to the door to the beginning of the house.
"Welcome to House of Horrors, where some people go in and never come out." Said the employee. He didn't sound too happy to be working here, but he tried to sound enthusiastic. "Hand me your tickets and you can enter. Good luck."
We did as we were told and made our way inside. I didn't scare too easily, but Sam was easier to scare than me.
The first jump scare was a clown. It kinda reminded me of the 'It' clown. Sam screamed and held onto my hand. I laughed and we kept walking. We were walking for a bit and there was nothing happening. The suspense was building and then out of no where was a high pitched bloody murder scream, startling both of us. We both laughed and kept walking.
As we made our way through, there were blow up walls that were pressed together. I went in first and was forced to let go of Sam's hand because I had to push the walls apart so I could get through.
I made it out and waited for Sam to come through. As he was coming out, I jumped out and scared him.
"Gosh dang it, Selene!" He screamed.
I just laughed at his reaction.
"It wasn't funny." Sam said in a childish tone.
"Your right," I said. "It wasn't funny.....it was hilarious."
He giggled at my reply.
After a while of jump scares, we made it through the haunted house.
"You're such a scaredy cat." I said jokingly as we got into the car.
"Hey, you got scared a few times too!" He replied.
"Yeah, but I didn't let out a girly scream."
"It was not girly."
"Ok, scaredy pants, whatever you say."
"It was still a fun day."
"Yeah, it was."
I looked at Sam and he leaned in and I did the same. Our lips met and we shared a passionate kiss.
We pulled apart and he started driving home with one hand on the wheel and the other holding my hand.

Sorry about this one being shorter. I still hope that you enjoyed it. ♥️


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