You First Meet

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"Are you almost ready?" Sally asks. Sally is my best friend. She has been since kindergarten when I shared my lunch with her when she forgot hers. She's the best friend a girl could ask for.
"Just a sec!" I reply. I was currently putting on some mascara, the my last bit of makeup. Sally and I were going to the skate park. We both love skating.
I finished and admired myself in the mirror. I had on some jean shorts that stopped a little before my mid-thigh and a flannel shirt that's completely unbuttoned and a black tank top on underneath it. My hip length brown hair was tied into a braid that ran down my back.
I went to my room and grabbed my board, knee pads, elbow pads, and helmet. Once I grabbed those, I ran downstairs and saw Sally waiting for me by the door.
"Finally! I've been waiting for like an hour!" Sally exclaimed.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time.
"You've been waiting for five minutes." I said.
"Well it felt like an hour."
"C'mon lets go. I wanna try some new tricks." I say while putting my phone in my pocket.
Sally nods her head and puts her helmet back on. I put on my knee and elbow pads and then my helmet. I grab my backpack and we headed out the door.
We went outside and started skating to the skate park.


We arrived at the skate park and looked around. There were about twenty maybe twenty five people besides us. Most of them were guys.
"Finally we made it." Sally said.
"It only took us longer because you wanted to stop for Ice cream." I relied.
"Ice cream comes first before anything else."
"Even me?"
"Yep." Sally said jokingly.
We both laughed and made our way over to a bench. We set our backpacks on them and surveyed the area. I was looking around for a spot with not so many people.
There was a ramp maybe four to five feet tall that only two guys were on. I watched as one guy with blond hair started at the top of one side and rode it and came up on the other. Back and forth he went while doing tricks every time he was in the air.
I pointed over to where they were.
"Lets go over there. There aren't as many people." I said.
She looked to where I was pointing and nodded her head.
"Ok." She replied. "Plus, those two are kinda cute."
I giggled at her comment and we made our way over to the boys. Since there was a bench closer to the ramp, we brought our backpacks too.
Once we got to the bench, we set our backpacks down and walked to the ramp.
The other boy was on it now and he had brown hair.
"Hello." Sally said while tapping the blond boy on the shoulder.
He turned around and smiled.
"Hi." He replied.
"Can I have a go?" Sally asked.
"Yea sure, we've been on this like all day." He relied. He turned back to the ramp. "Hey Colby, this girl wants a turn."
"Okay, just a sec." The brown haired boy replied. He did one final trick and then got off.
"Sweet." Sally said as she got to the top of the ramp.
She started doing some tricks, but couldn't pay attention because the brown haired boy tapped me on the shoulder.
I turned and faced him.
"Hi" he said with a smile.
"Hi." I replied.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Bethany. But you can just call me Beth."
"Okay, nice to meet you Beth, I'm Colby." He said while holding out his hand.
"Nice to meet you too Colby." I said while shaking his hand.
"And this," He said while wrapping his arm around the blond boy's shoulder and dragging him closer to us. He let out a quiet, startled scream. "is my best friend Sam."
"Hello Sam." I said while holding out my hand. "My name is Bethany, but you can just call me Beth."
"Nice to meet you Beth." He replied while shaking my hand.
"That's my best friend Sally on the ramp." I said while motioning to Sally.
"Hi!" She said while doing tricks on the ramp.
"Hi!" Sam and Colby said at the same time.
"C'mon Beth, your turn." Sally said while getting off the ramp.
"Yay!" I said while getting on the ramp. I placed my board on the edge and then pushed down and I started riding up and down the ramp.
    After awhile of me on the ramp doing tricks and talking to Sam, Colby, and Sally, I got off the ramp and went by them.
    "Your pretty good for a female skater." Colby said.
    "What's that supposed to mean? Are guys the superior skaters?" I ask jokingly.
    "N-No that's not what I meant. I-It's just that we don't see many girl skaters here. And-" Colby said.
"I'm just messing with you." I said with a smile.
Colby was a little pink from embarrassment, but smiled with me. I giggled.
"Well, now what?" Sally asked.
"How about we go on one of the other ramps?" Sam suggested.
"I dunno. I don't really feel like going on ramps." Colby said.
"Why don't we just ride around the skate park?" I added.

After a while of debating and arguing on what to do, we all just agreed to ride around.
We were riding along the park and doing a few tricks here and there, sliding down some railings, and showing off. All while talking.
I decided to try and show off and do a trick that I've been practicing. A switch flip. I made my way over to a small ramp and went down it. I started doing the trick, but I messed it up and I fell. My instinct was to catch myself by putting out my hands, even though your not supposed to.
I landed on my wrist and I felt pain shoot up my arm.
"Ow!" I said while sitting up and holding my wrist.
I heard the sound of wheels approach me and I saw Colby getting off his board by me.
He crouched down by me.
"Where's Sally and Sam?" I asked.
"I don't know. I stopped to check the time and when I looked back up, everyone disappeared. I couldn't find any of you." Colby said.
I felt tears rim my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I need to be strong. I didn't want him to see me cry and look weak.
"Can I see?"
I nodded my head and carefully pulled back my sleeve. My wrist was swollen and purple.
It's definitely broken.
He touched it a bit and I winced in pain. He quickly pulled his hand back.
He carefully took my arm and looked at it closer. He had one hand on my arm, away from my wrist, and one holding my hand.
After a bit, he looked up at me and met my eyes. We stayed like that for a bit and I felt the tension in the air.
Our heads slowly started coming closer and we were about to kiss. Suddenly I heard the pounding of feet. We immediately pulled back and saw Sam running up to us with Sally following.
"Oh my gosh! What happened?!" Sally asked while crouching down on my other side.
"I tried doing a trick and it didn't go so well." I replied.
"We need to take you to the hospital." Sam said.
"How, we didn't drive here?" Sally said.
"We did." Sam said. "I'll pull the car around. Bring her to the entrance and I'll meet you there."
"Ok." Colby said.
Sam rode off on his board to get his car.
Sally and Colby helped me up. Sally and Colby grabbed their boards, along with mine and our backpacks, and we walked to the entrance.
Once we got there, Sam was waiting. Colby and Sally threw all our skating stuff in the trunk, including our knee and elbow pads, backpacks, and helmets.
"You can go in front. Help Sam find the hospital." Colby said.
Sally nodded after a bit of hesitation and got in front. Colby opened the back door for me and I climbed in. I sat in the middle and he climbed in after me and shut the door. We then all buckled up.
Sally pulled up directions on her phone was reading them to Sam while he was driving.
Colby and I sat in silence for a bit and listened to Sally and Sam talking.
After a while he looked at me and I looked at him.
We stared at each other's eyes. His are beautiful. They're a bright blue with a bit of dark blue mixed in.
I felt the tension growing again and I could tell he did too. I slightly bit my lip.
He looked at my lips then back at my eyes.
Once again, I felt my face start getting closer to his. I closed my eyes and our lips met.
I didn't want this kiss to end. Our lips moved in sync. The kiss deepened and he slightly bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I hesitated, but eventually let him in. His tongue immediate went in my mouth and I felt him start to explore.
I then started taking over and pushed my tongue into his mouth. I explored all around and leaned into the kiss more. I put my good hand on the back of his head and started running my fingers through his hair. I held my broken wrist against my chest so I wouldn't hurt it. He put one hand on my waist to pull me closer and one hand on my cheek.
After a bit, we pulled apart quietly gasping for air.
I felt my cheeks heat up and and his did too. A smile spread across my face.
He smiled back.
"Hey, Beth-" Colby started but was cut off by Sally.
"There! There's the hospital!" She said.
We all looked to where she was pointing and saw it.
I looked back at Colby and saw his hair was messy. I reached over and started fixing it before someone noticed it.
"Beth, what are you doing?" Sam asked.
"Uh, there was a bug in his hair. I'm just getting it out." I replied.
"Okay." He said.
Everyone got out of the car and they led me inside.
I had gone through the whole process of getting a cast and everything and was currently lying in my hospital room.
I had a white cast on my arm.
Everyone was let into my room. Sam came in holding a card, Sally had a bunch of balloons and a teddy bear, lastly Colby came in with a box of chocolates and a teddy bear holding a heart. They set all the stuff down on the table and sat around me.
"Can we sign your cast?" Sally asked while pulling out a sharpie.
"Well, yea I guess so, you already have the sharpie in your hand." I replied.
She smiled and made her way over to me.
She signed: Sally xoxo
Sam took the sharpie when she was done and just signed his name.
Sam handed Colby the sharpie and he signed: Colby ~♥️
He put the sharpie down and smiled at me. I returned the smile.
"I'm hungry," Sally said out of no where. "Can you guys go get some Chipotle?"
"Sure." Sam said. "What do you all want?"
We all said what we wanted and him and Colby left to get the food.
Sally then turned to me with a big smile.
"What?" I asked.
She pulled back my blanket a bit to see my cast. She looked at what Colby wrote and her smile grew even bigger if that was possible.
She let out a small squeal.
"I knew it!" She said.
I didn't say anything, but slightly smiled.
"Just and FYI I saw you kissing Colby on the way here." She added.
"It was just a kiss." I said sheepishly.
"That didn't look like 'just a kiss'."
"What about you and Sam, huh?" I said while putting the spot light on her. "I saw you flirting with him."
She turned red and we carried out our conversation until we heard a knock on the door.
Sam and Colby came in carrying the food. Sally winked at me and then went to grab her food.
Colby walked over and sat by me and handed me my food.
"Thanks." I said.
"Your welcome." He said while starting to eat his.
We all finished eating and visiting hours were almost up.
"Hey, Sam?" Sally asked. "Can I talk to you in the hall?"
"Yea, sure." He said.
They got up and started walking out the door. As Sally left, she winked at me and then shut the door behind her.
"Beth," Colby said.
I turned to look at him.
"Yea?" I asked.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course!" I said while smiling.
A smile spread across his face and he leaned in and kissed me. He started deepening the kiss, but pulled back when we heard the door opening.
Sam and Sally came in and sat back down.
I turned to Colby. He gave me a questioning look and I nodded my head.
"Hey guys," Colby said with a smile on his face.
Sally and Sam looked at Colby.
"We have to tell you something."
"Who's we?" Sam asked questioningly while Sally had a big smile on her face.
"We as in Colby and I." I said.
Sam looked at me and then back to Colby.
"Sam, you are truly clueless." Colby said while grabbing my non-broken hand.
Sally and I laughed.
"OOOOOOHHHH!" Sam exclaimed.
"Yeeeaaaaa!" Sally said the same way Sam did. "They're dating!"
"That's great!" Sam said. "You finally got a girlfriend dude!"
"Thanks, Sam." Colby said.
I heard the door open and a nurse walked in.
"I'm sorry, visiting hours are over." She said politely.
"Can I stay?" Colby asked.
"Are you a family member to the patient or a significant other?"
"I'm her boyfriend."
"Yes, you can."
Sally and Sam got up and said goodbye and then left.
Colby gently squeezed my hand and I looked at him. We smiled and then I leaned in and kissed him. He slightly deepened the kiss. He pulled away after a bit.
"It's late, you need to rest." Colby said.
"Okay." I said.
I laid back down and started drifting off to sleep. As I was falling asleep I faintly heard Colby's voice.
"I love you."


This one was a lot longer than usual, but I'm okay with that. I had fun writing it and I hope you guys enjoyed it.


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