Your First Fight

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I was currently chilling on the couch with my boyfriend of three and a half years, Sam Golbach. I was lying on the couch with my head on Sam's lap. We were currently watching tv.
Sam was texting someone on his phone. He's been texting someone an awful lot lately and I have no idea who. The texts he receives from this mystery person makes him smile a lot.
"Hey babe, I have to go some where important." Sam says out of no where.
"Why?" I ask.
Sam started standing up and that forced me to sit up.
"I can't say. Sorry."
I was starting to get a little ticked off. He's been doing this a lot lately. Going off somewhere without telling me where or why.
"Again? This is the sixth time this week alone."
"I'm sorry babe, but I have important stuff to do."
"Like what?" I say while standing up. "More important than spending time with your girlfriend?"
He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. Anger flashed in his eyes, but was gone as he was trying to keep calm.
"I can't say ok?"
"Why? You're always off somewhere!"
"It's because I have important things to be done! I have work to do!"
"You've been having quite a bit of 'work' recently!"
He took a step toward me, anger in his blue eyes that have now darkened. I started getting a little scared but held my ground.
"At least I do work! I've never seen you actually work! Every time I come home your just sitting here on the couch without a care in the world!"
"I do plenty of work! My job just happens to end before you get home!"
"How convenient!"
"What do you mean?! Are you accusing me of something?!"
Sam's phone started ringing. He looked at who it was and then back at me.
"I have to take this." He says and then walks to our bedroom.
After I hear the door close I wait a few seconds and then tip toe to the door. I put my ear against it a try listening to what he's saying.
"......Yea.....I'm trying but she won't let me leave......Yea I know....Just wait a little longer ok?.....I will meet you later ok.....I don't know how much longer I can keep this from her.....she's starting to get suspicious of where I'm going.....Yea.....ok...bye."
After he said that I hurriedly tip toed back to the living room to wait for him there.
He walks back over to me and I act like I didn't hear anything.
"Who was that?" I ask with my arms crossed.
"A person." He answers.
"It's non of your business!"
"Sam, I need to know where you keep heading off to! For all I know your heading off to fuck some slut!"
Hurt flashed in his eyes but was quickly replaced with anger.
"How could you accuse me for being so low?!"
"I don't know! You won't tell me anything so I have assume!"
Sam was visibly getting angrier by the minute.
"The only slut I've ever slept with is standing right in front of me!"
I was hurt that he called me that. Immediately I could tell he regretted saying that because his features softened.
"I-I'm sorry, I-" He started as he reached toward me.
"No. Don't touch me." I say. I went from hurt to furious. "I don't know what I did to deserve this." Tears started to rim my eyes.
"No, you didn't do anything."
He came closer again but I backed away.
"Get away from me. I don't want to get all my slutyness on you."
He pulled me in for a hug but I pulled away.
"I'm sorry I really am. I don't know what came over me."
"Just go. Go to your 'important meeting'."
"It can wait. Just, please listen."
I turned away from him.
Tears fell from my eyes and I didn't try hiding them.
He placed a hand on my shoulder a gently turned me around. Once he saw the tears on my cheeks, I saw a tear fall from his eyes.
"I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Sam says.
I give up on being angry and let my arms fall to my sides.
He pulls me in for a hug and I hug back.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"I started arguing with you when I shouldn't be snooping into your business."
He backed out of the hug a little and his arms stayed around my waist while my arms were around his neck.
He leaned in a our lips met. He softly kissed me and I kissed back.
We pulled apart with smiles on our faces.
"Do you forgive me?" Sam said.
"Yes." I replied.
He walked me over to the couch and placed me on his lap. I leaned on his shoulder while his hand held mine. We continued watching our show.
I hear the buzz of Sam's phone and he purposely ignores it.
"Aren't you going to answer it?" I asked.
"Why? I thought it was important."
"Because you made me realize that I've been a terrible boyfriend and haven't been spending as much time with you as I should've been."
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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