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P R E V I O U S L Y    O N    W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T

I looked down to my phone to see who was calling. It was my dead boyfriend Julian, who was murdered a month ago. I pick up out of curiosity and I hear his voice. How could it be possible? He was dead. I saw his body. I hang up.

1   W E E K   A G O

"Stop it! All you ever care about is yourself!" I say. Paisley is my younger sister. She's around thirteen and right now, she's been caught scrolling through my instagram. 

"No I don't! That's all you ever do! 'Oh, mom I have to go to Sephora. Oh, mom I need a camera.' You don't give a shit!" said Paisley, most of it in a mocking tone.

"Did you just swear?" I ask her. She went pale.

"Maybe. But you do it all the time! I learn it off you!" she says.

"But i'm seventeen! You're not! You're just a cringe, thirteen year old, teenager. No one cares about you" I say.

"I hate you! I wish you never existed!" Paisley said, just as she slammed my door to my face.

"Good, same with you too" I mutter under my breath. I look at my phone to see whose instagram account she was scrolling through, because surely she wouldn't want to see my posts. She was looking at some person called jason_bloom. That name was familiar. Was it from Riverdale? Nah, his name was Jason Blossom. Oh my gosh. I scroll through the feed and there are pictures of him and Paisley! No wonder. She likes this kid. They were in the shopping mall together with other friends. He has blonde hair and green eyes. Julian was prettier with his curly black hair that went about to his ears and his bright blue eyes, but Paisley didn't think so. I walk across the room to the door, and leave to find Paisley. At least Jason and Paisley have the same features, they match. I knock on the door of Paisley's room.

"Go away!" she said.

"NO!" I yell.

"I'll tell on you to mom when she comes home tonight!" said Paisley.

"I know about Jason Bloom!" I say, and everything went to silence. She opens her door and gestures me to come in.

"I like him, don't tell anyone!" she said.

"I know. Thats why I posted 'PAISLEY FREEMAN LIKES JASON BLOOM' on my public instagram account. I have so many comments already" I say, trying to tick her off.

"YOU WHAT!!" she screamed and started to punch me.

"I'm joking!" I say and she slows down. I then hear a knock on the door and proceed. It was Julian. Oh, how I loved him. He's so kind and funny. Pain in the ass. We match.

"Hi!" I exclaim and give him a kiss.

"Hey. Do you wanna go out?" He asked. I say yes, asking my sister to stay here and keep the home phone near her in case of emergencies.

"Wear this" he says and hands me a blindfold.

"Oh, we're doing this again!?" I exclaim. I loved when Julian did this. He would take me somewhere blindfolded and I would have to guess. We were driving for about two minutes until he asked me something.

"What happened? Paisley looked upset." he asked.

"Petty sister fight. She was scrolling on some Jasons account on my instagram. She likes him. A lot. And I tricked her. Into thinking I told the whole world" I say. Julian started laughing.

"I did that to my brother once. He used to like some girl and I actually told her." he said.

"And?" I say.

"They're dating." he said.

"Oh, thats good." I say.

"He's annoying about it. Anyway, where do you think we're going?" asked Julian.

"Pizza?" I ask.

"Nope." he says.

"I'll find out soon enough" I exclaim.

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