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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T

Julian gave me  a call. He was dead? How could he call? He stated he was in a cell. I need to ask Mr. Rory our occult studies teacher where he could be. He told me it wasn't heaven nor hell. Where was he? I'm going to find him.


I walk into my room to check the time. 9:02pm. I was just busting for 7:00am. Tears start pouring down my eyes knowing that Julian isn't coming, and he won't ever be unless I find him.

8:00am   M O R N I N G

I wake up to hear my alarm clock buzzing. 7:00am. I jumped up and ran towards my closet. I put on a shirt from stussy and a pair of black high waisted jeans. I sprint downstairs to grab my superstars, my lunch, backpack and leave. I needed to be at school early so I could ask sir before first period commenced.

8:17am   A T   S C H O O L

I run into the school and up to the staffroom. The staffroom was off limits unless you have permission. Stuff it. I run in and look for Mr. Rory.

"Mr Rory!" I yell when I see the brown haired-brown eyed teacher.

"Rachel? What are you doing here this early? It's and hour before school commences." he exclaims.

"I need to ask you something. You're an occult studies teacher?" I ask. He nods. "As you may know, Julian died a week ago. He called me yesterday" I say and he looked shocked.

"What did he say?" asked Mr. Rory.

"He said he's in a cell. He feels that he's not in heaven or hell and there is a guy keeping him prisoner." I say, catching my breath. He dropped his jaw. "Do you know what place this could be? He asked me to help him. Please tell me you know something." I beg.

"Look. I'll go through my files. I'll tell you tomorrow if this is realistic or just a prank. Ok?" said Mr. Rory.

"Ok, thank you sir." I say and walk out. 

F O U R T H    P E R I O D

I pack up my bag and walk out of the classroom to walk to fourth period. I stop when I see Zara walking over to me.

"Hi little suckup!" she exclaims and giggles.

"What's wrong with you?" I say.

"I saw you this morning, talking with Mr Rory. I know he's young but loopy. Watch yourself hun." she said.

"So you were there this morning? Your parents don't want you in the house? I thought so." I say and walk off. She gives an annoyed squeal. I walked to my class and took a seat next to Zack. It was the first time i've seen him since the party.

"Hey Rachel" he says, with a wide grin.

"What's happened?" I ask.

"Ashley is transferring here! She said because we've been together for a while and she really likes it here, she wanted to come!" he said.

I smile and say "Oh my gosh Zack! That's amazing!" 

"I know. Thanks. And sorry about.... Julian. I know I shouldn't mention it bu—" I cut him off.

"It's ok. I'm dealing with it, and I should get used to his name being mentioned" I say and swallow strongly. This was actually really hard.

A F T E R   S C H O O L

I walk outside and see my moms car. I walk to the car and open the door. I take a seat in the passenger side.

"Hey mom" I say.

"Hi honey, how was school today?" she says.

"It was fine. I got 15 out of 17 for math!" I exclaim, remembering when I first got my results in third period.

"Oh honey, that's great! You got an A" she said happily. After my mom picks me up, we usually pick up Paisley, but since she didn't go to school today for some reason I don't know about, we don't have to pick her up.

I asked my mom to go to target so I could get a journal. I really want to record this thing about Julian. I need to.

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