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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D  T H A T   N I G H T

I had a fight with my sister Paisley over some instagram account. Julian takes me out on a blindfold date. What happens next?


"We're here" said Julian.

"Ugh. That took forever. Do you seriously have to drive ten kilometers an hour like my grandma?" I say and he laughed. I take off my blindfold and I was amazed.
Here in San Fransisco there wasn't much to look at. But this, this was beautiful.

"Do you like it?" he asked with a grin.

"No." I say in a serious tone. He looked disappointed.

"I love it." I said and the smile he had brightened up and I go and run to hug him.

"You know, people say I look like the beautiful sun here." he said.

"The sun also gives you a headache, so I can see how that's true." I say and we both laughed. We were standing under the golden gate bridge, facing the beautiful water, and it was just us two. He started walking towards the trunk of the car.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He came with two boxes of pizza.

"Like it?" he asked.

"Love it!" I say and kiss him.

"I love your brown hair and eyes against your pale skin Rachel. It's amazing under the light." he said. He was super sweet.

"You know what else is amazing? This pizza." I say and we carried on with our date.

10:56 PM   S A M E   D A Y

I walk towards my front door after I said goodbye to Julian. I find my mom sitting at the door.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" my mom screamed. I was in deep shit.

"Out with Julian" I say in a casual tone.


"Mom I was jus—" I was cut off.

"I DON'T CARE. NO PHONE TONIGHT." she yelled. Tonight was good enough. I walk back upstairs and into the shower to clean up before school tomorrow. It was so amazing. Julian and I went to school together but we rarely talked. We weren't in the same classes. Maybe that was why. I walk out of the shower after forty minutes and put on some old pj's. I watch some TV to kill time. Thats when Paisley came in.

"What do you want?" I ask in a tired and annoyed tone. She held my phone. Whenever my phone was confiscated, it was given to Paisley.

"Julian sent you something." she said in an innocent tone. Not so innocent though. Devil sisters.

"A party, tomorrow night from seven to midnight? I could go to that." I say excitedly. 

"Can I come?" she asked.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Jason Bloom is going to be there" she said.

"How- Oh. His brother is Nathan. Yeah sure. Convince mom." I say. Paisley looked surprised. It must be because I said yes.

"She said only if I come we can go." she said.

"Ok well, what are you going to wear?" I asked her.

"A dress" she says.

"Ok. Night. Turn off the TV and lights" I say as I tuck into my coverlet.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Because i'm letting you come tomorrow night. Bye" I say and sleep through the night. Tomorrow is going to be the best Monday ever.

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