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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T

Rachel and I got married, after eight years of a happy relationship. When I get to work, the same senses that I had at the wedding were coming back. I get striked in the back of the head hard, and everything goes black.


R A C H E L   10:34 P M

It's and hour and a half past the time Julian comes home. He must be staying late, but to make sure, I grab my phone off the kitchen island and dial his number.

"Hey, Julian?" I say.

"Hey, it's Julian, leave a message!" says his voicemail. I hang up and call a few more times. Nothing. I call one more time, and finally someone picks up.

"Julian! Hello! Why didn't you pick up?" I ask with relief.

"You will never get him back" says a deep voice. "Don't mess with me." and then they hang up. What was going on?


I wake up strapped to a chair in a warehouse, and see Zara. Out of all people.

"Well. Hello Mr. Prince. How d'you like me now?" she asks in a smartass voice.

"Stop being a smartass and tell me why i'm here!" I exclaim.

"Because of Rachel." she says.

"What did Rachel do?" I ask, worriedly.

"Well, she ruined my senior year." she says.

"Wait. So you're telling me you have a grudge thats been ongoing on for years." I stop and then I realise that she isn't who she says she is.  "Wait. Zara. You're one of them, aren't you? Playing it smart in hiding so the hunters don't catch you. I can't wait for that scene to start." I say.

"Yes and yes. Now, do you want to go back home?" she asks.

"Whats your price?"

"Find a person willing to take your place in shadows." 

"Easy. But how am I supposed to get people begging on their knees when i'm locked in here?" I ask.

"Well. You have to figure that out of yourself. Now. I'm leaving, and if you lie to the person about where they're going, they're not accepted either" Damn it. "Oh, and by the way, you have a week." she says and leaves.


I call Lily, my best friend, who is currently in Australia on a trip, to tell her whats going on.

"Oh my gosh, I know whats happening." she says after I explain whats going on.

"What?!!" I ask quickly.

"This happened to me.... it's Zara. She is coming at everyone you love and trading them with someone else for a spot in hell... Rachel. Julian will come back, and trust me. But how? I don't know. Anyway, I need to go. I'm at the beach and it's really nice here in the morning. Bye" she says and hangs up.

I will kill Zara. She's been up in my business and she needs to be kicked out. I will destroy her.

Thats when water began slipping in through every crack into my home.


Hey Guys, Bella here.

I hope you are all enjoying the story and question of the day: Do you think i'm dragging on the story? Please say yes or no. Also, I was thinking of writing a story about Zara or Lily, so tell me which you want.

Thanks, Bella. (p.s this is up before Wednesday because I'm not free tomorrow)

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