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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T
Someone has taken Julian. That someone being Zara, my high school enemy who is going after everyone I love. Then the flood begins.

Before I make a stupid decision to barricade the house and go upstairs, I run for the window. I have to make sure if it's safe to run out somewhere far from my home. Nope, it's flooded over the ledges. I decide to put some spare bricks from the garage into the door cracks and flee to the attic, taking my portable electronics, a small suitcase full of clothes, and our wedding photo album.

I walk up the stairs and I find Julian waiting for me. I run to him.

"Julian!" I exclaim.

"Rachel! This was the first place I thought of after my escape. I came here. I climbed up the window just now. Oh my gosh, you don't know how happy I am to see you safe."
he says in a sweet tone.

"Same here. It's Zara. She's angry at me" I say.

"I know. She's..... a shadow" he says sadly.

"I thought so....... What now??" I reply.

"We defeat her" he says.

"How?" I ask.

"I have been trapped in shadows before. I know for a fact, that Zara is wanted there. If I take her there, they'll give me my freedom" he says.

"How are you going to do that? She will not let you find her. I guarantee" I say in a serious tone.

"If she is going after me. I'll wait for her to come" says Julian.

"Wait.. are you manipulating me? Im not going to let you be the bait." I say in a worried tone.


"Did you hear that?" I ask panicking.

"Nah. DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT HEAR HOW LOUD IT WAS?" yells Julian. I stumble backwards.

"Im.. im sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." he takes me and embraces me. "I would love to cuddle now but I think Zara is here. Rachel. Run." I begin to tear slightly.

"NO. I am not leaving you! I saw what happens to people taken and tortured by shadows. Im not letting her do the same to you" I say.


"Well. The two lovebirds still together.... not for much longer." I knew that voice anywhere. Zara.

Julian walks towards her and grabs us both. He reaches for his phone and dials the entry code. 

Before I knew it, we were all in Shadows — and Zara was surrounded by Shadows.


Hey Guys! Bella here.

Sorry for the lack of any story, due to school finals and all these holidays, I was very busy to continue writing. Hope you all really like this new chapter, just for notice I will be ending the story around chapters 20 to 30. 

Keep reading! 

Kind Regards, Bella.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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