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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N    W H A T   H A P P E N E D    T H A T   N I G H T

I revealed Julian and I to the public, as we return to school. We also get our new teachers and Paisley, Julian and I just walked into the Whiteplank Manor for the part of the year.


"Hey Guys!" said a voice. It was Freddie.

"Hi Freddie! I didn't realise that you're hosting this party!" I exclaim.

"Come on in!" he says. I grab a baguette stick off the platter as Freddie passes me a glass of water. I place it on the table so I could grab it later. Paisley ran off to find Jason Bloom. Thats when Zack, the school jock started to walk towards us. Zack was not your clichè jackass jock. He was really nice. He was also Julians best friend

"Hey guys. I see your together now?" he asked Julian and I.

"Yeah, we are." said Julian, holding up our hands.

"Cool. Meet my girlfriend, Ashley." said Zack, gesturing towards a pretty girl with red hair. She looked like Cheryl from Riverdale. So pretty.

"Hi. Nice to meet you" I say with a polite smile. "What school are you from?"

"Hi, nice to meet you too. I'm from Glossy Creek High. This place is way better though." she says. They walk off to dance. It was a slow dancing song. They were playing Por Una Cabeza ~ Carlos Gardel. Julian and I wrapped our arms around eachother and began to dance. It was a nice change. This party was nice. There were no heavy drinkers or drunk people here. Julian and I kissed, and it felt like time stopped. It was the most passionate kiss ever. His lips were so soft, and it felt like my insides were exploding. Once we broke apart he began to speak

"Wow, Rachel. I didn't know you had it in you. I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I say, giggling slightly. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I gasp, when I see Jason Bloom kissing Paisley. What was she doing? She was thirteen. She's getting a slap and Jason will be getting much more. I walk in and fix my hair, makeup and business and I walk out. 

10:34pm  S A M E   N I G H T

I find myself on the couch sleeping. Weird, I didn't take anything. I wake up to everyone crowding around something. I see Paisley crying next to me.

"I'm sorryyyy RRaaachhelll" she says stuttering

"Why whats going on? Where's Julian" I say. I run towards the crowd and see what they've found. I screamed and ran towards him. Towards Julians dead body. It was so cold, and you could see dried blood dripped down his white blouse. All his beauty and kindness was all... gone. 

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