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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T

My name is Rachel Freeman, and my dead boyfriend Julian is in the Shadows world. He's coming back, but not the same. Broken and bruised. It turns out he's not in a Shadow cell, but chamber. I get my journal and record my day. I finally give Zara what she deserves. A facelift. It looked like she really needed one, so I gave her a little punch. We're looking for Julian.


I sit there and stare and Mr. Rory.

"What do you mean he isn't coming back the same?" I ask him.

"His personality and memories are fine, it's just that he'll come back beaten, broken. I'm sorry Rachel, I know he meant a lot. We will find him, if that is what you want. This is the first actual good project I've had in years. Thank you for giving me this opportunity." he says.

"Okay. No problem. How do we get him out? So you have the tracker, but how do we actually get there and out?"

"Well, it's quite simple really. We take our phone, dial the number and we're in. Same thing to get out, but if you have Julian with you, he needs to hold you by the arm. So, the number?"

"The number is... what?" I look and stare at my log. It's more than an 8-digit number. It's bloody 23 numbers. I read them out. "545777934412134587064583". I repeated it slowly once again for him to hear. "Sir, what's the device called?" I ask.

"It's called the Underworld Map. It's cheesy but the name at least tells us what it does." he replies clumsily. "Rachel, come on. Lets go to Shadows. The number you need to dial is 9334. Simple." I dial in the number, and so does Sir.

When I type in the four digit code, everything blacks out like I've been punched hardcore. I wake up and see Mr. Rory on the floor next to me holding the Underworld Map. I shake him.

"Sir, wake up." I say. He does nothing. "Wake up!" I exclaim. Still, nothing. I shake him, and his skin is ice cold. That quickly. How long were we knocked out? He's dead. I tear up, but there's no time for games. I grip my phone hard in my hand, making sure it goes no where and I also grab the Underworld Map from his icy cold hands. I take a few steps and question myself where I'm going. I stop and take a look at this so called 'trustworthy map'.  A flashing green dot seems to indicate my position. There is also a big red room. That's Julian (I think). I take off towards the maps destination.

It must have been about two hours of walking so far. I check my phone. I was right, it has been an hour and forty five minutes since I've started to walk. I turn and hear a loud noise. I don't speak because I don't want to get killed. I must be paranoid. I continue to walk. The map begins to vibrate, and I look at the problem. I hear screaming in the distance, that is probably the noise I've heard. I look at the map. I'm here, at Julian's chamber. It shouldn't be easy to get in. I look for a back entrance, and bingo. Behind this big and dark building, is a door. I creep over towards it and proceed to open it.

Then I see Julian.


Hey Guys, Bella here,

Sorry again for not uploading another chapter, but this time I've resolved this sad issue. I've come up with a schedule to upload every second day, so those days would be:



And if I'm really in the mood, you might get extra.
Make sure you vote if you haven't already!

xx - Bella

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