All Alone

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The need to feel appreciated and wanted is a normal human emotion man, woman and child no matter if you are rich or poor.

The second that feeling is taken away the emotion of depression steps in as that dreaded unwanted emotion takes president over all feeling.

Not even an adult with understanding can deal with this emotion, much less a child, who is dependant on the love and are of their parents.

Also when one decides for what ever reason, weather good or bad, to be absent from  their children lives. Leaving them in the care of some relative of theirs or there friends in some cases.

The guardians most times abuse their charges, for various different reasons. Top of the list is the fact that they are not the biological parents, secondly  they may have children of their own to take care of and thirdly  they just don't care.

The abuse takes different forms from mental to physical abuse, most times using excessive force in doling out corporal punishment. Some times necessary most times not.

Verbal abuse is the most common form of abuse, with guardians telling the children that their parents left because they are evil, bad and they are not wanted. Calling the children stupid and retarded and they will become no good to society.

Most times if the charges are left in the care of grandparents, the grand parents usually are elderly and cant operate like they use to, so most times the grandchildren are left with the task of taking care of their grand parents. Often cooking, cleaning and seeing about the house.

The grandchildren may also have to take jobs after school, or even leave school not completing their education, to contribute to the house and even mind their selves,  as this more times are the only income that runs the house.

These "barrel children" have no choice to mature before time. The boys may turn to drugs and alcohol and even gambling to ease their stress. While the girls find comfort in friends both male and females who job is to prey on the weak.   

In essence, these children view themselves as being all alone in this cold world, as the come to hate their parents for leaving them in search of a better life.

Often saying, they would have preferred their parents with them,  not having the physical trimming of this life.   

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