The Hunter Has Become The Hunted

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There was jubilation in all of La Trinity, at at last peace could reign again. Thanks to the self proclaimed father of the nation Mr Panning and his government, for creating this illustrious idea.

Great songs were sung about this historical meeting, thanking the "Community Leaders" for putting away their differences and ill will for each other. In turn bringing back the unity and love, that once ruled east Puerto De España and La Trinity by extension.

"Community Leaders" could be seen at various peace concerts around the island, organised by themselves, being invited on stage and holding hands as a show of solidarity. That a new dawning had arise.

What most people, including these twenty "Community Leaders" didn't understand. This was just the beginning of the end for them and their soldiers.

My Grand mother have a saying "what sweet in goat mouth, sour in he bam bam", which simply means what starts out as joy usually ends up in sorrow.

Those who had " wise eyes" understood fully well what was about to take place.

The cease fire lasted all of six months.

Enough time for the new initiative of a peaceful east Puerto De España, to be engraved in the minds of the population on a whole.

Then one Sunday during a fund raising football (soccer) match between two of the sub communities in Laventille, an arguement ensued. The end result was a drive by shooting an hour after.

Wounding many and leaving one dead from that said community.

Just like that the treaty came to an end.

Yes! Mr Panning sinister plan was going to be a success.

The idea of peace was thrown out the proverbial window, and the war came through the front door with a vengeance. Even worse than before.

The only exception was, no longer were these "Community  Leaders"  were untouchable. They were now the prey. Hunted down and slaughtered like a deer caught in bright head lights.

I recall one of the first slaughters was that of a Leader and his girlfriend. In the darkness of early morning while asleep in their bed, the front door was kicked down and they both receive a barrage of bullets.

Dying in their sleep.

One night a cell phone rang about 2am " ooh" he answered in a sleepy voice, "aye dey now kill de man boi, come quick". The voice on the other end said.

Jumping in his car he sped down to El where the murder of his close friend just took place, reaching on d scene he stood on a corner across from the bodies.  It wasn't five minutes after that a young man on a bike rode passed, pulled out a gun and fired on him, killing him instantly.

This my friend was another " Community Leader"  demise as he did not know what had hit him.

I may add here that the killing of these men, happened in their strongholds. Where no one would ever dream of  going there to harm much less kill these leaders.

Most of them met their demise either going or coming from parties, or females who they were over friendly with.

All of them being unarmed, none of their bodyguards around and not wearing their Teflon vest.

Leaving wise men to wonder were the predators becoming the prey?

Then who were the real predators?

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