Piece Treaty or Peace Treaty

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With the murder rate climbing daily in La Trinity, the Government was pressed to act.

The population was in an uproar, just in the capital of Puerto De España and environs alone there was three and four murders every  twenty four hours.

Residents in this area could not bear it any more, the elderly were not able to sleep comfortably due to the sudden outburst of gun fire.

Children were confined to indoors as the shoot outs would spontaneously take place in the streets where they would be playing.

Life in Laventille became unpredictable.

Mr Panning the Prime Minister of La Trinity, along with his Minister of National Security and advisors, came up with a "fool proof plan.

The year was 2006, the month was September, the day was the 6th. The place to be was Crown Plaza. The time had come to bring  these  brothers together under one room.

A solution had to be found. This could only happen through mutual conversations. So the powers that be had "seriously" thought, Really? Hmmmmmmm.!

Or was it a meeting for ulterior motives?, only know by the organizers of this very serious meeting.

Promptly at nine in the fore noon twenty" Community Leaders from east Puerto De España and environs as far as San Juan in the east and Maraval in the west.

Sat down with the Prime Minister, Minister of National Security and community activist from these areas. In hopes of these men forgiving and forgetting all the past hurt and injustice.

Long was the road to complete peace and serenity.

These talks lasted all but two days, at times it felt like "pulling teeth", as tempters would flare as old wounds were reopened verbally in order for the healing process to take place. Or when it was found that a solution did not sit well with every one.

At the ending of the two days, each of the twenty " Community Leaders" signed their names on a treaty to hold the peace in their area forever.

This move seemed like a success with them come out of the Hotel smiling, laughing and shaking hands together. As it was in the days of old. Finally Laventille could see peace and love again.

As much as the action was honourable, there was a sinister intention behind the signing of their names on hard copy.

The conspiracy theory, even up to this present date. Is that the treaty was held so that these brothers could be identified by placing faces to names, to be marked for death.

This theory is widely believed as truth  for one reason. Just after the signing most of these same leaders have been mysteriously murdered and no one has ever been caught for these murders.

There may only be one or two of these leaders alive today, and yes an attempt was made on at lest one life and he survived to live another day.

Leads me to ask this question, was it a peace treaty or a piece treaty?

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