Who Will Protect Us Now

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Community Leaders were droping like flies. The population of La Trinity were begining to worry. For decades the predators ruled their various turfs with an iron fist. Yet now they were being hunted like prey in their own homes. While they never ventured out of their turfs for fear of annilation. Now they were even more afraid as not even their turfs offered any protection.

Mr. Panning plan seemed to be working, eliminating the head. Thinking of course the body will die. Well my granny have a saying "doh take candle to see in de nite what can been seen in de day". 

Every one knows that even though the Community Leaders were courrupt they kept a hold of their charges who had no conscience, and lacked maturity. The teenagers who did the dirty work for their surrogate fadda. So who was going to feed them now.

What happened next was so unbelieveable, like a scene from a movie. Instead of the murders decrease the murders increased one hundread percent. It was every dawg for himself.

Before Granny and Grampa could live in peace knowing that one will interfare with them. Now they lived in fear every day as they were tourmented by these youngsters. "Uncle watch na I waw de house u have enno" Jt Don told Mr Harry  the head of the village council for Butler trace,  before pulling out an Ak47 rifle while making Mr Harry pack and then firing a shot in d air causing poor old Mr Harry to run with his cane in hand. Moving immidately into the two story house that Mr. Harry worked for over fourty years driving rubbish truck to build.

Even the blind Calypsoian Lingo could have seen this bloodly outcome of Mr Panning plan. The question on every ones lips especially the communities of Pureto de España and environs " who going and protect we now, who going and look after we community now boi".

Miss Mary in the wheelchair who Use to get a little monetary help from Mr S  the big man in Trotman street starving because they kill Mr S, and he boys only hiding drugs in her yard and threatening to cut off her tounge if she snitch on them.

It was people like them who benefited most from the Community Leaders. Now they were begining to become exstinct like the dodo birds. The tears for those fallen soliders were real.

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