Chapter 5.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lucy pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 She challenged me. SHE CHALLENGED ME. WTF. This is the worst mistake she'll ever make........ and the last. 

She looked straight in my eye, confident that she would win. Hah. Yea right....... so my last words to her were......

"Alright Lissy....... Let's dance"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Natsu pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luce gave her a chance to back off, but lis didn't. She stood her ground, and now she was going to die. I sat there, unmoving, emotionless. Watching the fight break loose. Not every day you see a fight with the queen, or should i say, public execution. I saw Mira, the love dragon, her sister, and Elfman, her Earth dragon brother, with their heads bowed down in sorrow, but understanding that this was their sisters fault.

Lucy was in it to win it, she was twisting and turning, and tearing it parts of lissana's wings and tail. She was just toying with her, she could win in fife seconds, Lucy's tail turning red with rage. Lissana's long time secret admirer, Bixlow the Lightning dragon, was weeping into his sister, Evergreen the Earth dragon, who had her head bowed down too. Poor Lissana. Her wings were so torn, it would take decades to heal, if she survived.

Then the unimaginable happened, Lucy stopped. The nearly dead love dragon on her back before her, chest exposed, ready for the final blow, but she stopped, and walked away, like nothing happened, not a scratch was on Lucy's scaled hide, nothing to prove that she had been in a recent battle. Wendy came flying by straight after the queen, most thought that she would beg for the queens mercy for the little love dragon, but to everyone's surprise, they said nothing, just nodded, and the head healer came rushing through. The tiny sky dragon along with the help of bixlow, she was airlifted to the nearest healers den, just a few km away. I followed her, wanting an answer,NEEDING and answer. Why? She had earned the right to die, but she didn't.

I flew after her, I had to know, I wouldn't stop until she told me.

"LUCE" I yelled after her,she was no where in sight. "LU-" 

"I'm here Natsu" she responds, appearing out of thin air, man, I HATE when she does that.


"Oh sorry. Any way, what did you want to know?"

"Why is Lissana still alive? How!?"

"That weak b**** didn't stand a chance, but i took pity on her, if i killed her, then Bixlow would have lost his life to, He was one of my best friends in the hatchery."

*Dragons, all types are born in the hatchery, a communal birthing ground where all eggs are placed together after they were layed, after they hatch, they spend 100 years there, no adult intervention whatsoever, they are just fed food from the top hole, they do this so that the weaker babies die and the only reason why the parents are ok with this is because they have not bonded with the babies yet, the hatchery is almost like a war zone where the toughest survive, though most do, The young would often form relationships and become friends that would last forever, the parents would know who was theirs by their sent and element due to the fact that the young are born with one of their parents elements, or are born the next Elemental, but that only happens when the old queen ascends to the heavens with her mate where they will spend eternity as sentient beings*

*I also censor all bad words for snowflakes and noooooo LEMONS I AM NOT EVEN 16*

"You spared her? After she mocked your honour?" I questioned doubtfully.

"Yeah, Bixlow was her true mate and I couldn't do that to him."

"........ Thank you Lucy."

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