Chapter 10

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Madison's P.O.V

I slept at Thomas's house last night. We had so much fun. I wrote quick songs he sang it was all so perfectly cliche.

"I love you." He muttered next to my ear this morning when we woke up. I kissed him softly and stared at his perfectly structured face. He was still half asleep and it was adorable.
I was so lucky.

We had made out the night before so we were tired and it got me pretty excited since all of this is my first time.
My first real relationship, the first time I love someone that much, first make out, first kiss, first date, firsts for all.

I was in his arms when we woke up and I stayed there enjoying the warmth of his body against my skin.
I know it's too soon to say but I'm so in love.
And I think he is too.

I ran my fingers through his blond mess of morning hair and he slowly opened his blue eyes.

He smiled at me and brought me closer to him.
"I don't like you that far away from me." He said as he put his head in the crease of my neck.
"I don't care how many times I've told you but I love you." He said again.
I was so happy.
My life had taken a turn for the best. Everything was going perfectly fine and I was grateful.

We slowly got out of bed but our arms were still around each other. We went downstairs to his kitchen. His house was huge and it was pretty weird for a Starbucks employee but maybe he had heritage.
It was a three story mansion looking house with five bedrooms and five baths.
The garden was also very big with a huge swimming pool and a sort of outdoor dining room.

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