Chapter 30

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Madison's P.O.V

When the guys finished what they wanted, they just left.
They left my numb lifeless body, naked and alone on the huge bed.
I couldn't move. I was petrified. I was laying on my back staring at the ceiling and replayed in my head what had happened.
"They were six." I muttered tears streaming down my face.
My soul was taken away from me and all I had left was a broken heart and a body.

I couldn't believe it, why me?
I wasn't even pretty, I wasn't hot, I wasn't smart I was just naive, naive and innocent.

The things that happened to me taught me a lot of things. They taught me that no matter how much you love a person, if this person breaks you once, they will not mind doing it again.

I slowly got up from the bed and used the sheets to cover my cold naked body. I opened the bathrooms door and Thomas came out of it shaking and his face wet of tears.
"I'm so sorry." He said sobbing trying to hug me.
"Don't you dare touch me." I snapped.
"Fuck off." I yelled interrupting anything he wanted to say.
I wore clothes and ran out of the house to my old small flat.
I ran to the bathroom and locked myself inside with my blades.

I didn't wanna live. I didn't wanna remember anything that happened in my life. I didn't want to live and breathe inside the body that had been taken for granted so many times.

I turned the water tap on and made myself a warm bath and sat inside with my clothes on.
I was gonna do it.
I took the sharpest blade I had and pressed it as hard as I could on my skin then drew a long line. A lot of blood came out. My whole arms were bloody and that's when I remembered I hadn't written a note. I wrote Thomas a note and went back inside the bathtub and let my arms bleed out in the warm water.
My eyelids started to feel heavy and the tip of my fingers felt numb. I smiled one last time and stared at my bloody arms. I thought about all the good in my life while I closed my eyes and made myself comfortable.
I could feel it. I could feel the end coming. And after a few minutes darkness invaded me and I breathed my last breath.

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