Madison's note

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Dear Thomas.
This is a quick letter to tell you how I feel before ending my life.

First of all, I'm going to tell you how much I hate you. I despise you Tomy and I hope you know that. But at the same time. I am so so so in love with you.
I really hope you're not the one who finds me here because I know it won't be something nice to see and I'm sorry for my selfish act but I couldn't. They all raped me, they were 6 all one by one laughing, having fun.
I am broken. So broken I'm going to do something I won't even be able to regret.

Please ignore the blood stains I forgot to write the letter before cutting open my wrists-

I'm not gonna tell you anymore.

Tomy I know that when you'll get this I will already be dead but I wanna tell you how scared I am and how I wish you could be with me.
I know you might not love me but I love you and my wish was to hear you say it to and I got it.

This letter is getting all over the place and I really don't know what to write.
Just know that I'm still here for you, I'm here if you need someone to talk or anything, I really want you to know that you aren't alone because I'll always be protecting you from any harm possible.
You are an angel Tomy and you've done so many bad things and I love you so much that I don't even care about them.
I love you Thomas and I really hope you accept my apology.
-Madison pink pudding.

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