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The next morning I headed over to my young mistress’s room, where I saw her awake already. Stupid crow gotta ruin everything.

“Excuse me but I must dress my mistress.” I said aloud.

“Of course, let us go to the wash room my lord.” They both left. Finally. I start getting my lady’s clothes together and started to dress her. Her head was slightly down and her eyes were red and puffy.

“My Lady, is everything alright?” I asked. She sniffed and said, “Yes, everything is just fine.”

“Pardon me, my lady, but you are not a very good liar. Did you had that dream again?” She slowly nodded.

“Don’t worry. At least they are not in pain anymore.”

“Oh how in the world would you know that?! You didn’t even know them!!! They can be suffering in hell and I wouldn’t even know it!!” she yelled. Then she calmed down. “I apologize for raising my voice. W-what are we having for breakfast today?”

“We are having some fried egg with hazelnuts, chanterelles, green garlic and blackberries.” I finished dressing her.

“Alright, let’s go.” We walked downstairs to the dining area and found our guests sitting. I pulled out my lady’s chair while Angelina and the other servants served breakfast. Everyone started to eat making small talk while Angelina and I kept on shooting glares at the crow. “Excuse me Ciel,” my mistress spoke up “Can you accompany me in the garden?”

“Yes, I would love to.” by now they have finished eating. We all took back the plates. Even the crow helped out. We were just fine doing it ourselves thank you very much.

Ivy’s pov

Ciel and I walked together to the garden. Not a minute passed when a small white butterfly flew passed us. Me still being a child, I chased after it. I smiled a bit when I finally caught it in in my hands.

“Oh look you've caught it,” I nodded and let it go. “You can be a child sometimes, you know.”

“I can say the same thing about you, Ciel.” The butterfly flew on top of a small flower and rested there. Soon came by a bird and ate it. My smile faded away as it reminded me of the dream. He had to know sooner or later... “Hey Ciel.”

“Yes, Ivy?”

“I never told you how my family died, did I?”

“No, you didn’t. You just told me that they passed away. Nothing more.”

“Well, let me tell you what exactly happened.”


“That party was really fun mommy! Can we go again next year?” I said with a big smile on my face. We were just leaving a children’s festival that goes on each year. This was my first time going.

“Let me think about it, sweetie. Are you going to help mommy with the papers?”

“Yes I am!”

“Okay, honey, we will come back” I started to hug my bag of candy.

“That’s a lot of candy you got there Ivy. ” said my father.

“Are you going to share that?” said my older brother, Clint, trying to take away my bag of candy. I had forgotten that I was sitting on his lap, since the carriage is kind of small.

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