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“Alright my mistress.” Could she be our little ‘clue’ to connect this case to the others? I shrugged, as Angelina dismissed herself. After a while it was time for dinner, as I headed down with the other servants. I noticed that Ashley was not there.

    “Where is Miss Smith?”

    “She is in the garden. She was making a grave for her husband. She should be coming soon.” As in on cue, she came in running to only trip and fall. Angelina quickly caught her, before she hit face first on the floor.

    “I-I'm so sorry!” She quickly fixed her posture, and bowed, repeatedly saying sorry. I sighed.

    “It’s alright. Now sit down and eat.”

    “Oh no I mustn't. After All you're eating. I have to wait until you finish.”

    “I insist come and eat. After all, you are a guest.” She hesitated a bit, before she sat. down. She silently ate, as the air grew tense. “So, Ashely how long have you worked for Countess Kimberly?”

    “A few years actually. You see, my mother was the maid of Earl Farquaad. I lived with her in France as as maid until I came here to England, to work for Countess Kimberly. After that I met my husband, dated a few years, and eventually married. Our child was sent to live with my mother after rumor was that nobles and their servants are dying.”

“I see. Have you no training in fighting whatsoever?”

“Oh no, I'm actually an excellent fighter. The only reason I wasn’t able to protect the manor was due to my current condition.”

“Have you fallen ill?”

“Oh no not at all, it’s just that I'm expecting another child that’s all.”

“Well I congratulate you for child. Unfortunately, it has come for me to retire. Goodnight Miss Smith.” I curtseyed, as Angelina escorted me out of the room.

Rosalina’s pov

“Miss Smith would you like to me to escort you to your room as well?”

“Oh no thank you. I’ll take a stroll through the garden, do you need help cleaning up here?”

“Oh no not at all. You relax. After all, someone in your condition should be at ease.”

“Very well,” She bowed slightly, and headed over to the garden. I have never smelled so much bullshit in my life, and I once served a farmer who dealt with so much shit! I cleaned the table and headed over to the kitchen, where Annie was washing the dishes.

“For once you’re doing something right.”

“Oh shut it will you? After all I'm not as useless as the other two.”

“Suuuuure. Where are the others?”

“Eren and Mike?”

“No, Finnian and Bard. Of course those two!”

“You’ll see in 3,2,1…”

“NO FAIR MIKE! I WASN’T LOOKING!” Eren yelled from down the hall.

“HAHA I WIN AGAIN! VICTORY FOR THE KING OF THE PRANKS!” Oh great they’re at it again…


“CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP!” yelled my mistress from down the hall. “I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!”

“Sorry young mistress!” Both of them yelled in unison.

“If I hear one more noise out of both you, I will force you to play with Rosalina!” They both shuddered, as I smirked. I slowly approached them, and whispered near their ears:

“Now you wouldn’t want to die, right?” They screamed their heads off, running to their rooms. I laughed so hard tears poured out of my eyes. Once I calmed down my laughter, however, I saw my sister there. OH FOR LUCIFER’S SA- she smacked me upside the head once more. “Oww, stop doing that!”

“Why should I? You’re over here messing with the servants, so I can mess with you.”

“Fuck you.”

“Tough love darling. I thought you’d be used to it by now.”

“I am, but your acting more bitchy than usual.”

“You know me sooooo well” she replied sarcastically, as I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. “ I waited a few seconds before whining. “I'm booooooored! There’s nothing to do now, and I'm sure the servants are asleep….wait a minute, they're asleep so I can m-”

“No. “

“But Angelina-”

“No. I don’t want to wake up to a cranky 12 year-old right now. I already have enough of her at it is.”

“Aww c’mon, she’s not the worse child we made a contract with. Remember Catherine?”


“The bitchy one. You know, the one who made us wear those ugly dresses of earlier times?”

“Oh that one! Yeah, I was sure hell a satisfied once we killed her off. She was always on my last nerve.”

“I thought you killed her by the first week.”

“We lasted a month.”

“A month I will never get back” I shuddered, as she rolled her eyes.

“Please, when we separated for awhile it seemed all the slutty ones were attracted to me.”

“I had the boring ones. Revenge for my love, save my life from the plague, nobles who wanted to keep power, blah blah blah. The only one that was worth my time was when a queen summoned me. A QUEEN! But of course, that ended boringly.”

“Let me guess, not enough blood was shed?”

“Nope. Haven’t seen a case deal with blood besides this one since the French Revolution, and damn was that fun!”

“You would. I thought you would bring up the American Revolution.”

“Nah, wasn’t that much fun. I thought for sure there would be at least more violence, but I guess not.”

“Personally I prefer the Black Death. That was a fun time.”

“More like boring! There was hardly any action, just people screaming!”

“People begging for mercy, crying out to the God that doesn’t hear them. Slowly wasting away, suffering in agony, wishing they would just already die. Ah yes, music to my ears” her eyes glowed their demonic red.

“Earth to Angelina!” I snapped my fingers in front of her, her eyes returning to their pink color, well her left eye at least. The right returned to a golden color, as there is where her symbol is located.

“What happened?”

“You started rambling about dying slowly and painfully.”

“Oh that well do excuse me about that. It seems sometimes I just fantasize about some things.”

“Like murdering everybody slowly and painfully?”

“Of course not murdering you.”

“Yeah, cause everyone knows that ‘we’ can love.”

“We’re not like the others, you should know this by now. After all, it is technically your fault.”

“No it’s not! It’s HIS fault! He c-” she covered my mouth and shushed me. We stayed quiet for a few minutes, until she sighed.

“Someone uninvited is here. How about we gave them a proper welcome?” she whispered, as be both smirked. This is gonna be fun…  


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