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"What you all doing?" We looked over to see the blonde boy, smiling. "That's enough stretching! Afterall." He placed a his arm over my shoulder and the other around Ciel, bringing us towards him. "You both got a lot of work ahead of you if you're gonna catch up to Black, Stitch and Angel." he said, as he pointed at the three.

"C'mon let's go!" Rosalina cheered, as she grabbed Angelina's and my hand.

"That's the spirit Stitch!" Dagger laughed, as I grew embarrassed. Ciel and Sebastian decided to follow us.

"Just bare with it" Angelina said, as Rosalina stopped near the trapeze. Oh my god is she serious!

"Rosalina I will not go on the trapeze."

"Don't worry I won't make you." Wait what? "I'll have Angie do it with me!"

"What?! I never agreed to this."

"I don't care. Oh bassy, I challenge you to a little contest. Me and Angie versus you! Winner get's to do what the loser says for a day. Deal?"

"Seems like a rather interesting deal, I accept."

"Alright let's go!" Rosalina said as she started to climb the ropes to the top of the trapeze. Angelina just sighed, as she headed up the ladder on the other side of the trapeze. Once all three of them there at the top of the ladders, Rosalina and Angelina started with their 'practice'. They both then started to do flips catching each other, and such. Rosalina nearly dropped Angelina once on purpose, but made it seem like it was part of the show. I saw Angelina's pissed of face, while Rosalina was laughing. I have a feeling after this they'll end up fighting again. After that Sebastian was up next. By the end of his performance everyone was clapping, impressed with the skills the three had. Rosalina smiled, while Angelina just mumbled about the outfits they had on.

Angelina wore a white strapless dress that faded into rose pink. At the bottom it had a hot pink trim, that fluffed out and stood out. The top of the dress had rose-pink jewels lining the neckline of the dress. Around her waist was a bow, the same color as the trim. She wore stockings, with were at the top white and then faded into a lavender-pinkish purple. Her sleeves, which were separate from the dress, were a transparent color of the purple. She also wore white boots, with a bow in the back, the ribbons crossing at the front, also the same color of the purple. She wore fake eyelashes, as well as a little heart of the purple under her uncovered eye. Her hair was held in a ponytail, and she wore a golden hair pin, with a pink and purplish-pinkish feather. The clip held a blue, red, and dark pink gem. Rosalina wore a the same outfit, the only exception was the colors. Rosalina's dress had a light blue-gray instead of the rose-pink, a darker shade for the hot pink, and a darker more grayish purple replacing Angelina's pinkish-purple. Her pin was similar to Angelina's as it was silver with different colored feathers.

Mine couldn't have been more embarrassing. It was a black strapless dress that was a little poofy and went past my mid thigh and fades into red flame-like patterns towards the bottom. They gave me a black glove for my right hand, thankfully, and at the tips it fades to red again. I had thigh high black and red flame-like socks on. I had some black heels on as well. My face paint consisted of me having three whiskers on each side of my cheek. My hair was curled at the tips and to top it all off: they gave me cat ears and a cat tail, which came with a collar that had a red bell on it. Of course I had to put it on. This is just great....

It was soon getting dark out, and Ciel seemed as if he was exhausted from just walking around. He didn't even practice as much as I did and somehow he's more tired than me.

"It's time for what ye all been waiting for, the sleeping arrangements!" Joker said. It's night already? But it doesn't feel like it.

"Alright, let's see 'er. Kitty, you'll be with Smile and Freckles." He began. Whose Freckles? "Stitch you'll be with Black." Sebastian's face dropped, while Rosalina stuck her tongue out at him. "And Angel you'll be with Suit!" Angelina And William glared at each other, clearly despising each other's company already. Well this is gonna be interesting. After that he led us to our tents, and let us settle in.

Angelina's Pov

This human cannot be serious right now. Can he not sense the obvious hatred in the air?!?! I can't believe he's that shallow.

"Alright now that that's settled I wish you all good night." said Joker, as he dismissed us. The minute he was out of sight, Rosalina ran into what was her and Sebastian's tent. Couldn't she have gotten the damn grim reaper instead? She can stand him, heck she can stand all of them! I growled, and entered my tent to only be greeted by the damn reaper drawing a line across the tent.

"That shall be your side, and this one shall be mine." he said, as he finished drawing the line. Oh great.

"And here I thought we were gonna get along nicely," I mumbled.

I waited until it was latter in the night. I snuck out of the tent, and barely took a step when I heard a metal claw. I jumped and turned around, barely missing William's claw. Oh great. "Can't a demon just go out for a walk?" I asked.

"No demon merely goes for a 'walk'," I groaned, as headed into the nearby woods.

"If you really want to talk with me, then follow me. Afterall, wouldn't you be wondering as to why we're here?" He paused for a moment, and then started to follow me. After I was sure we were far away from mortals, I stopped.

"Why are you in a circus anyways? Last time I checked you were not one to mingle with humans." I stated. He gave out a huff.

"Why am I in a circus indeed. Although I am an administrator, I was dispatched to cover for a certain reaper who's currently facing suspension of duty." Of course he would be talking about that bimbo. "I curse my luck. I didn't realize graduating with him would have me fixing his mistakes."

"This must be a very serious issue if a grim reaper is here disguised among mortals."

"Indeed, but do you really think I would release soul-related information to a demon? It's like releasing rabbits in front of a wolf."

"I have no interest in such cheap souls. they're tasteless, disgusting."

"Interesting words for a demoness like yourself. After all, you're already half mad from hunger. Even so, you're only getting half of a soul. You're one of those very few that are willing to share."

"I have been through worse periods where food was scarce. I've learned to fight, serve my masters as great as any demon who has consumed a complete soul. After all, the hungry cherish their meal the most."

"How perverse."

"Not nearly as perverse as that ginger idiot of yours, but you can rest easy. Like you once said, I'm on a leash." I said, as I pulled back the bang that covered my right eye, revealing the symbol. He glared at me, until he sighed and let his grip loosen on the claw. I smirked.

"I should explain then. In the next few days, we expect to reap a large number of souls near this circus. This is a very special case, so I appreciate it if you and your sad excuse of a sister didn't interfere."

"Seems like you will have your hands full. I'll be glad to offer my assistance." He attacked with his claw, as I dodged out of the way. "Oh pulled a nerve did I?"

"It seems that I will have some overtime. Interfere and I will cut you down swiftly."

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to spend time more time than is necessary with reapers. Besides, I have no interest in the puny, low class souls." I looked up, to only see the sun peaking over the horizon. "Oh dear it seems to almost be dawn already. If you excuse me, I'll be off." I said, as I headed over to wake the young mistress. Oh great I'm going to have to deal with this son of a bitch. Oh how I hate it when contracts get this complicated.


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